
Topic 4: GET READY

Topic Progress:

Suggested Homework & Tasks

Before you start developing activities to unlock mental health and wellbeing, we suggest that you:

🔹 REFLECT on the last time you experienced a situation where a negative mood rubbed off on others – and the opposite, when did you experience a positive behaviour that was contagious to your surroundings?

🔹 THINK about a sport and/or physical activity that helps you when you experience mental challenges. Could the same activity also help your colleagues, friends, club members?

🔹 THINK about how your organisation is tackling the mental health issue and how physical activity is used. Do you miss anything? Can you do more?

Let’s remember it is the small, simple things that can make a huge difference in our daily lives.

A list of additional resources

Should you want to dig further, we have come up with a carefully curated sample of communication tools and guidance for exercises.

Name of the resource

What to expect/find

Why it’s useful

Men on the Move booklet🔗

Exercises you can do

Simple, evidence based

Why does exercise make us feel better?🔗

The “why”: Why physical activity can have an impact on mental wellbeing

Evidence based

Recipes for wellbeing🔗

A menu of proposed activities for wellbeing based on different purposes, levels of ability and target groups

Simple, Actionable

What is stigma?🔗

A guide to understanding mental health stigma

Simple, Evidence based

“Time to Talk Day” Material🔗

Inspiring communication material (poster) +  
A great conversation starter – one for young people and one for adults.

Simple, Actionable