
Topic 4: GET READY

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Suggested Homework & Tasks

Before you start developing activities for active ageing, we suggest that you:

🔹 CONSIDER the environment where you would provide your activity. 

  • What have you done or what can you do to make it more age-friendly allowing older people to stay as independent as possible?
  • How can you free them from their often isolated and sedentary everyday environments?

🔹 REFLECT on your readiness to cater for elderly people’s different needs, physical capabilities, medical conditions, and their existing involvement in physical activity to find out how to keep them engaged.

  • One way to do so can be to ask yourself and your target group where they stand in the continuum of physical function. 

Read more and discover specific suggestions for programme here.  

A list of additional resources

Should you want to dig further, we have come up with a carefully curated sample of communication tools and guidance for exercises.

Name of the resource

What to expect/find

Why it’s useful

National Institute of Ageing – Exercise and Physical Activity🔗

A series of articles featuring the latest on how exercise and physical activity can help people stay healthy as they age.Find tips on how to fit exercise into daily life safely and get motivated to get moving!

Concrete and actionable activities

The Senior Fitness Test (also known as the Fullerton Functional Test)🔗

A  battery of test items that assesses the functional fitness of older adults while focusing on the cardiovascular fitness, endurance, balance, strength, agility, and flexibility of adults ages 60 and up.A simple, research-based, easy-to-use tool.

Assessing these components of fitness can detect weaknesses that can be treated before causing serious functional limitations.

Ageing Europe — looking at the lives of older people in the EU🔗

 A Eurostat publication providing a broad range of statistics that describe the everyday lives of the European Union´s (EU) older generations.

Data to provide a case for funding requests & advocacy

The Healthy Ageing Challenge – health clubs on the front line of healthcare🔗

The Healthy Ageing Challenge is a two-year research project which will look to find ways to transform the UK’s physical activity facilities into musculoskeletal (MSK) hubs that could be used by the National Health Service (NHS).

Inspiration for a multi-stakeholders partnership to bridge the gap between the sport, leisure, and health sectors.

ActiveAge handbook, Toolbox 2 : Self-Assessment of promotion programs and strategies to promote physical activities for older people in sport-organisations🔗

Go to p.54  and discover a checklist to identify, which factors of strategic planning and implementation are taken into account of your program for the promotion of physical activities for elderly people and which factors might be added.

Based on experience. Easy to use self-reflective tool