
3. The key components of the European grassroots esports concept

Topic Progress:

What is European grassroots esports?

In the following video, partners from the European Grassroots esports project tell us what makes esports and grassroots esports special. In particular, they showcase the essence of grassroots esports initiatives by focusing on people, places, and practices.

The key components of EGS

Few key takeaways

🎮 Grassroots esports represents a ‘third way’ in the esports landscape, emphasising principles often overlooked in the traditional approach to esports.

🎮 Grassroots esports activities are defined by the players and the ones promoting it.

🎮 Grassroots esports is about organising gaming-activities, with the purpose to connect people and create a local community

Homework before moving to next step

Before moving on to next module, we would like to invite you to take few minutes to think through what you have been exposed to so far. 

  • TASK 1: What did you learn about esports in this first module? Was there anything surprising? 
  • TASK 2: How would you describe grassroots esports if you were to explain it to members of your community or your grand-parents?

Ressources to go further and Topic material

Name of the material Why it matters / What you will find
Grassroots Esports Ethical code of conduct 🔗WHY – If you want to know how to demonstrate commitment to a safe environment and show responsibility. 

WHAT – A short infographics addressing 6 areas and showing tangible commitment to ethics that can be directly used within any grassroots esports club or school.
What is Grassroots esports 🔗 WHAT – Transcript of the video
Categorisation of approaches of grassroots esports 🔗 WHY – To learn more about the contribution of the 5 existing approaches to esports to the concept of  grassroots esports 

WHAT – A short PDF document describing the five different approaches to organising esports- and gaming.