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Harriet Koorts completed the module
Introduction to Health Enhancing Physical Activity (HEPA) 10 months ago
Harriet Koorts completed the module
Why advocate for physical activity and healthy lifestyle? 10 months ago
Harriet Koorts completed the module
Self-assessment tool for your organisation’s advocacy 10 months, 3 weeks ago
Harriet Koorts started taking the course
ActiveVoice online course 10 months, 3 weeks ago
ActiveVoice online course
This is tool that will help you to build your capacity in advocating for physical activity and healthy lifestyle.
By following the learning content prepared for you and investing time in reading, listening, learning by doing and completing the test, you will understand advocacy and its purpose, different types of advocacy and principles of advocacy.
Your journey will be composed of many different activities with a practical approach, based on informal and non-formal education, prepared by leading European organisations who are experienced in the promotion of physical activity and healthy lifestyle.
Harriet Koorts joined the group
ActiveVoice 10 months, 3 weeks ago
Harriet Koorts became a registered member 11 months ago