Welcome to our course “ENTER THE GAME OF GRASSROOTS ESPORTS” – A guide to develop and run your grassroots esports initiative.
Since 1995, has been acting to empower physical activity stakeholders to get more people active and healthy.
Together with the partners involved in the European Grassroots Esports (EGS) project (DGI in Denmark, Play-eS-HanseSPIEL e.V. in Germany, H20 ESports Campus in the Netherlands, Viken Sport Region in Norway and the Hungarian ESport Federation in Hungary), we believe that the popularity of gaming and esports among young people is an opportunity to be curious, explore and elaborate on our involvement in community sport – and it is an opportunity not to be missed.
The EGS has an important mission to not leave the young gamers behind, and to not let the stereotypes of gaming and esports stand in the way of including these young people in wider societal activities.

Indeed, the huge amount of people interested in individual gaming and esports, including younger generations, calls for stronger engagement from the grassroots sport sector and its many social organisations. It calls for a type of engagement where we meet the young people where they are and understand their gaming and esports interests. It also calls for engagement by which the grassroots sport sector shares its organisational models and social values.
This course aims to provide an actionable learning experience on how to set up AND run a grassroots esports initiative.
An inspiring mix of resources delivered by recognised experts!
This course will provide you with tools, evidence, inspiration, and learning opportunities to translate to your own countries and contexts and implement them in your practice and processes. It builds upon the experience of the European Grassroots Esports partners, their extensive network, and the project piloting experience.
Engaging as many organisations, clubs, and experts from the network as possible to share and present their work, the course content provides a valuable and actionable learning experience. Case studies of specific examples will in particular inspire and motivate you when challenges arise.
The course intends to guide the learner on a journey to start up a grassroots esports club or other initiatives where people can meet and share their passion for esports.
By the end of the “ENTER THE GAME OF GRASSROOTS ESPORTS” online course, you will be able to:
Understand and explain what is esports and in particular grassroots esports (Busting the myths)
Scan your environment and spark favourable conditions for a new esports initiative (Set up)
Design a plan to deliver grassroots esports activities for a range of different target groups and settings (Implement)
Key information to navigate the course
- You will need up to 90 minutes to complete the course.
- Course materials: video transcripts, recommended readings, podcasts, and presentations are downloadable and included within each module.
- For each of the videos in this training, you can activate subtitles and auto-translation. To do so: 1. Click on the keyboard icon at the bottom right-hand side of the videoplayer to turn on the Subtitles/CC option + 2. Click on the gear icon (‘Settings’) and select in the Auto-translate tab your desired language
- After finishing each topic, click
at the bottom of the page. This will help you know where you are (“Topic” will be marked with a checked icon in a green circle) and bring you straight to the next topic. Repeat the process with the module to mark your advancement.
- To finish the course you will need to complete all modules, take the test at the end to check your knowledge AND complete a quick feedback form.
Get inpired by grassroots esports initiatives in real life
- 1. Learnings from Germany – focus on school as a setting
- 2. Learnings from Hungary – focus on community of practice and consultation based initiative
- 3. Learnings from Norway – focus on attracting a specific target group
- 4. Learnings from Denmark – creating inclusive environments for youth
- 5. Learnings from Norway – focus on your core values