Topic 3: Podcast with Quan-Minh Bottrill-Chau from BikeBridge, Germany

We interviewed Quan-Minh Bottrill-Chau from BikeBridge, Germany, which organises courses for women with migrant and refugee backgrounds. She shared with us more information on the Bike & Belong courses and other activities that are crucial for social integration.
You can hear the interview via the link below.
Find in the downloads below training manuals in German.
More about the organisation
Our mission is to build bridges between people, projects and organizations. We create space for interaction, movement and exchange. Biking is a meaningful instrument we use to move, connect and empower society, especially women. Our activities foster social interaction, spatial and social mobility, as well as societal engagement.
In our Bike & Belong course we build a bridge between women with migratory and refugee backgrounds, and the native community with the goal to strengthen the sense of community belonging. Our highest goal is to strengthen social inclusion within society. Further goals include empowerment, the fostering of social engagement and health. We understand empowerment as the strengthening of self-agency and self-competency, and health to include both psychological and physical well-being. In a Bike & Belong course, about ten participants and ten trainers meet and together practice biking. We train together once per week. The courses last about two months. Before the courses start, our trainers are prepared in a train-the-trainer workshop. In addition, everyone has the opportunity to take part in a first aid class. In 2022 there will be Bike & Belong courses in 8 German cities (Freiburg, Hamburg, Frankfurt, Munich, Cologne, Berlin, Leipzig, Stuttgart).