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The magic ingredients of pitching

A pitch in business refers to a concise, persuasive presentation of a business idea, product, or service to potential investors, customers, or partners. The goal of a pitch is to communicate the value proposition, unique selling points, and competitive advantages of a business venture, convincing the audience to invest, partner, or buy into the idea.

Creating a compelling pitch involves several key elements:

By following these steps, you can create a pitch that is both engaging and persuasive.

Key Takeaways

📟 Good orators make you trust, feel and think.

📟 Keep it concise: Focus on the most critical information and avoid unnecessary details.

📟 Use storytelling techniques: Make your pitch engaging and memorable by using anecdotes and examples.

📟 Practice and refine: Rehearse your pitch multiple times to ensure clarity, confidence, and a strong delivery.

📟 Be prepared to answer questions: Anticipate and address potential concerns or questions from your audience.

Get into action

We got some action points for you as we believe you are ready to go to the next phase of development.

  • TASK 1: Plan your 3-minute pitch to the solution provider(s). Create a PPT or Canva template if this may support you. It can also be done on paper.
  • TASK 2: It’s now time to reach out to the identified solution providers and/or funders. Make contact with at least 2 potential solutions providers and arrange your pitch time.

Topic materials & Resources to go further

Name of the material Why it matters / What you will find
Pitch Structure Template 🔗WHY – To help you in your development phase

WHAT – Proposed main steps for your pitch
How to understand any speech: your guide to ethos, pathos & logos – The Hyperbolic School 🔗An article to help you unpack the various dimensions of a speech and explore the power of good orators who make you trust, feel and think.
How to speak so that people will listen 🔗 A Ted talk video by Julian Treasure, where the sound expert,  demonstrates the how-to’s of powerful speaking — from some handy vocal exercises to tips on how to speak with empathy.