
Define your Problem

Topic Progress:

Why framing the problem you are addressing is key

Proper problem framing is essential because it helps structure your thinking, clarifies the issue, and guides your approach to addressing it. Here are key reasons why framing the problem is key:

  • Distills complexity: Framing a problem helps identify the core issue, separating signal from noise, and focusing on the most critical aspects.
  • Sets the mindset: A well-crafted problem frame influences how you perceive the issue, determining the tone and direction of your efforts.
  • Guides solution exploration: By defining the problem, you can explore potential solutions more effectively, as you’ll be addressing the root cause rather than symptoms.
  • Ensures shared understanding: Clear problem framing facilitates communication among stakeholders, ensuring everyone is working towards the same goal.
  • Prevents misdirection: Framing the problem helps avoid getting sidetracked by irrelevant details or assumptions, keeping your efforts focused on the true issue.

Key information to navigate the course

As you probably understood by know, the purpose of getting into problem framing and definition is to end up with answers to following key questions:

  • What is the problem?
  • Who does it matter to? 
  • And who will benefit from a solution to this problem?

In this video, Fergal Brophy, Entrepreneurial specialist at UCD Innovation Academy, walks us through the methodology of Problem framing in Design thinking, using a specific example:

Exercice – define your problem

By now you shall be ready to go through the difficult exercice of narrowing down the results of your Situation Analysis and Needs Assesment, ie your area of focus, to the definition of your organisation’s very core problem. 

Gather the team that will work with you in the innovation  development and – in addition to the proposed tips included in the previous video-:

  1. Use the PROMPT: ‘Who needs a way to do what and why?” to start framing your problem. 
  2. Write down your problem starting with “How might we…. ?“

Don’t worry if it feels overwhelming and difficult, stay in and trust the process.


Here are some examples from our Digifit Pilot teams who participated in our DigiFit Bootcamp in January 2024:

Topic materials & Resources to fo further

Name of the material Why it matters / What you will find
Transcript of the video “Problem Framing” by Fergal Brophy 🔗CONTENT TO BE CREATED AND LINK UPLOADED