
Background – What is SANA?

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One important step in the process of avoiding obstacles to change is figuring out what barriers might derail your progress. Barriers are those things that interrupt your goal of making a long-lasting change.

That’s why we suggest that before embarking on an implementation plan, it is essential to conduct a situation analysis and needs assessment (SANA). This comprehensive examination of your organisation, sector, operational environment and stakeholders provides a solid foundation for informed decision-making and successful resource allocation for the  implementation of Icehearts Europe model.

SANA is a systematic research process of gathering information to understand the context, circumstances, and requirements of a particular situation or project. It involves analysing the internal and external factors that affect the situation, identifying gaps and needs, and prioritizing areas for improvement or intervention.

In general components of SANA are as such:

  1. Situation Analysis: This component involves examining the current local situation, including:
    • Internal factors: resources, capacities, and constraints within the organization or community.
    • External factors: social, economic, political, and environmental conditions that impact the local situation.
  2. Needs Assessment: This component involves identifying the gaps and deficiencies in the current local situation, including:
    • Unmet needs and requirements.
    • Gaps in resources, capacities, or services.
    • Priorities for improvement or intervention.