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Zakayo Wandoloh




My Names are Zakayo Wandoloh. I live in a small town called Heist-Op-Den-Berg which has a population of slightly more than 42,000. I cycle (very fast) every day to the station and then walk (very fast) to my office (10 min walk). I play amateur football every Friday and jog +-10km every week.

My communication tool(s) of choice: email, Asana & Socials.

What motivates me to join this international project:

I am a devoted and passionate grassroots sport and physical activity promotor in Belgium looking to broaden my horizon, gain valuable insights from like-minded people and organisations from other countries and build bridges for learning and exchanging in an international network.

What I bring to the project:
–  Setting up outreach programs that reach underprivileged, underrepresented target groups including those living in poverty and ethnic minorities.
–  Identifying barriers/challenges facing at-risk target groups. In most cases, policies and the reality of at-risk target groups are miles apart. I have vast experience in identifying and decoding signals to/for the authorities. I have been active in different policy-making thinktanks.
–  10+ years of expertise working with at-risk target groups and ethnic minorities. 10 years in the youth sector as a youth organisation coach/adviser using sport as a tool.
–  I have years of experience building bridges between at-risk target groups, local/national authorities and social organisations. At-risk target groups, in order to protect themselves from being looked down upon/discriminated, cut off ties with the outside world. They shy away from institutions. Activating and including them needs specific, well-thought approaches. I have experience working in such a context.
–  Developing and running sport-for-development initiatives that have a social impact.
My expectations of MOVE Transfer EU-China project & what I would like to learn:

– I will be hoping to get inspired by more/new insights with concern to grassroots sports and sport for development initiatives, efficient and effective ways to utilise public spaces, grants and funding. Of course, I look forward to meeting new people and building new alliances.






Zakayo Wandoloh

Profile picture of Zakayo Wandoloh


active 2 years, 1 month ago