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Sebahattin Devecioglu




Sebahattin Devecioglu was born on May 19, 1968 in Elazig/Harput, graduated from Gazi University, Faculty of Education, Physical Education and Sports Department in 1990 (Ankara). In 1996, he completed his master degree at Institute of Health Sciences, Department of Sports Program at Firat University, and started to working there as a Research Assistant at The Department of Physical Education and Sports ( Elazig / Turkey). After his national service, started his Doctoral Program at Gazi University, started to work as a Research Assistant in 2002 ( Ankara / Turkey). Consequently, he was appointed as a lecturer at Firat University upon completion of his PhD. He is founder and Head of the Department of Sport Management and Assistant Prof. in 2002-2010. After completion his dissertation, since 2013, He was member of UNESCO Physical Education and Sport Committee in 2005. He was Visiting Scholar of Dowling College, US. in 2011. He was a Visiting Research Scholar University Of Maryland Baltimore County ( UMBC ) in 2014-2015, and his research theme is: Comparative Analysis Of Sport Organizations Economic Effect In Turkey And The United States, Department of Economics of the University of Maryland Baltimore, US 2014 Further, he is an NGO Representative at the United Nations Department of Public Information of The Light Millennium in 2015. He was owner Peace Ball Project 2015. He was General Secretaria The 10th International Conference in Physical Education, Sport and Physical Therapy (ICPESPT), Firat University, Elazig, Turkey 2016. He is Turkish Youth and Sports Ministry Education and Science Board Member 2018. He was academic tenure as an Associate Prof. at Firat University, Faculty of Sport Science 2013-2018. He is Member of Parliament Asgardia also. He was chairman Elazigspor Club 2019. He is Professor of Sports Economics in University of Firat, Elazig, Turkey.,


Sebahattin Devecioglu

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active 4 years, 8 months ago