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Balázs Rádics




I was the managing director of the Hungarian School Sport Federation (HSSF) between 2012 and 2018 and have been involved in the design and implementation as well as management of development projects since 2003. My expert experience in management of large-scale projects is invaluable in the successful implementation in HSSF’s international development projects. Since February 2018 I am supporting HSSF’s strategic work as presidential advisor and I am the managing director of Grassroots Non-Profit Limited Company and also Member of the Presidency of the Hungarian School, University and Leisure Sport Federation (NSULF). The objectives of Grassroots Sports are diverse, covering multiple areas, like event management, education especially promoting health-enhancing physical activities and healthy lifestyles, enhancing development and learning by providing formal and informal education opportunities, encouraging volunteering, social responsibility, sport and business development, sponsor acquisition, identifying the economic aspects of sports, particularly maintaining sustainable financing of grassroots sports. I graduated as recreation and physical education teacher and as former professional athlete (national champion in snowboard and skateboard), my holistic expertise is prominent for delivering the project’s planned intellectual outputs and strategic goals of sustainability.


Balázs Rádics

Profile picture of Balázs Rádics


active 4 years, 4 months ago