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Janez Ovsenik




ISCA is known as one of the best worldwide organisations running sport for all projects. It’s a big pleasure to be a part of such project where I can add my 12 years experience in the role of president of local sport club and 4 years working as Secretary General in leading Slovenian sport for all organisation – Športna unija Slovenije (Sport union Slovenia). It’ll be a big challenge to meet and work in different cultural environment ….

Live in Ljubljana (capital of Slovenia), with population 250.000 (whole Slovenian population is 2 million), try to exercise on daily basis (swim, tenis, fitness,…) and use electronic mail and phone for regular communications, but you’ll not find me on social network app like Facebook….


Janez Ovsenik

Profile picture of Janez Ovsenik


active 3 years, 4 months ago