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Marianna Sikorowska




What motivates you for joining this international project?
Learning from others about successful initiatives and challenges in all 3 areas (outdoor spaces, sports clubs& active ageing and active schools). More specifically, how outdoor spaces are activated through sport and how the sports sector can work collaboratively and across other sectors.
Meeting participants from Europe and China as well as MOVE Congress and World Leisure Congress delegates.

What do you bring to the project? (skills, good example…)
A funder’s perspective on projects aiming at increasing physical activity and physical activation programmes in urban areas (case studies based on successful and unsuccessful applications).
Experience in grantmaking, good knowledge of UK grassroots sport sector and its challenges.
Experience in running large raising awareness campaigns.

What are your expectations of MOVE Transfer Europe – China project?
Build new networks among the participants.
Get feedback about the London Marathon Charitable Trust grants programmes.
Learn as much as I can and implement my knowledge and new skills.

Where do you live? Name of the city and size of its population. Please provide link to a map
I live in London, UK (
Population: approximately 9 mln
It’s where Queen Elisabeth lives and where Harry Potter is from (link to a map)

What is your regular (daily, weekly) physical activity?
Boxing, running, hiking, walking, strength and conditioning

What is your communication tool(s) you use regular (daily)?
Email, WhatsApp, LinkedIn, Twitter, Slack


Marianna Sikorowska

Profile picture of Marianna Sikorowska


active 4 years, 6 months ago