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Kolettis Andreas




1. Studies       

    1. Professor of Physical Education, with a grade of ‘Very Good’ 7.59 / 10, Department of Physical Education & Sports Science, University of Athens, Athens 2005
    2. Diploma in Weightlifting, with a grade of ‘Excellent’ 10, Department of Physical Education & Sports Science, University of Athens, Athens 2005
    3. Special Guard, with a grade of ‘Excellent’ 18.36, EF Training Center. Amygdalezas, Police Academy Police School, Athens 2009
    4. Amateur radio, with grade ‘Excellent’ 99/100, Hellenic Republic – Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport & Networks, Athens 2013
    5. Constable, Headquarters Greek Police , Athens 24/10/ 20 16
    6. IT Application Technician, with grade ‘Excellent’ 18.1, Hellenic Republic – Ministry of Education , Research & Religions, Athens 2017
    7. Technician of Electronic & Computer Systems – Installations – Networks – Telecommunications, with grade ‘Excellent’ 18. , Hellenic Republic – Ministry of Education, Research & Religions, Athens 20 20


2. Research – Writing – Publications – Speeches – Presentations       

    1. Kolettis, A., Avramidis, S., Tsoltos, N., Diamantis, D., (2017 ). The Regulations of the Athletic Lifeguard Coaches, Sports Lifeguard ‘History-Regulations-Good Fighting – Special Topics’ (p. 434 ). Athens: Author 
    2. Kolettis, A., Avramidis, S., Tsoltos, N., Diamantis, D., (2017 ). The Rules of the Athletic Lifeguard, Athletic Lifeguard ‘History-Regulations-Good Struggle – Special Topics’ (p. 427 ). Athens: Author 
    3. Kolettis, A., Avramidis, S., Tsoltos, N., Diamantis, D., (2015). Rules of the Sports Lifeguard Judges, Athens: Editorial Team
    4. Kolettis, A., Avramidis, S., Tsoltos, N., Diamantis, D., (2015). Rules of the Athletic Lifeguards Coach, Athens: Editorial Team
    5. Kolettis, A. (2014). Athletic Lifeguarding: Similarities with Athletics, Coach Seminar, Athletic Lifeguard Judges-Timers. Athens Speaker – Rapporteur
    6. Kolettis A. & Avramidis, S. (2008). Weight lifting Historical Review of the Greek Distinctions in International Games. In: Mpempetsos, E. & Rokka, S. eds. Abstract Book of the 16 th International Congress of Physical Education and Sports, Komotini : Department of Sport Science and Physical Education of Thrace, p. 20  
    7. Kolettis A., S. Avramidis, E. Avramidou (2008). Historical development of resuscitation In: Mpempetsos, E. & Rokka, S. eds. Abstract Book of the 16 th International Congress of Physical Education and Sports, Komotini : Department of Sport Science and Physical Education of Thrace, p. 20  
    8. Kolettis, A., Avramidis, S., Xenakis, S. & Avramidou, E. (2008) Rescue by Helicopter. In Avramidis, S., p., Security & Rescue Collision (pp. 248-250). Athens: Author  
    9. Avramidou, E., Avramides, S., Kolettis, A., Verbina ., Rizou ., Curati ., Papaioakeim, K., Shkembri ., Dimitrova & Christoglou, Ch. (2008) Lifeguard Profession: Advantages & Disadvantages. In Avramidis, S., p., Security & Rescue Engolio (pp. 433-437). Athens: Author 
    10. Kolettis, A. & Avramidis, S. (2008). Problems in the Management of the Lifeguard Team. In Avramidis, S., Ep., Security & Rescue Enclosure (p. 340). Athens: Author   
    11. Kolettis ., & Avramidis (2007). Problems in managing lifeguard team review In An Abraldes , & Rodriguez Eds ). bstract Book of the International Lifesaving Congress , Spain: Lifesaving Federation of Galicia, p. 93
    12. Kolettis, A. (2005). Title: Biokinetic Support & Prevention of Weightlifting Injuries. Unpublished Thesis, TEFAA University of Athens


3. Participation in Conferences – Training       

    1. Online Webinar on ” The Future of Sports in Greece: New Technologies, Practices and Job Opportunities “, Metropolitan College, Athens 2020
    2. Online Webinar on ” Sports and the Corona Pandemic: The Present and Prospects for the Future”, Sports Department of the New York College Educational Group, Athens 2020
    3. Training Seminar with theme ” Modern Management and Sports Management – Sports Management », I.IEK Master Athens 2020
    4. Distance Learning Certificate, Army General Staff, Athens 2019
    5. Training Seminar with theme « IRUNCLEAN – Basic Training Antidoping », European Athletics. Athens 2019
    6. Training Seminar with theme « Bullying, Hazing And Inappropriate Behaviors», National Federation of State H igh School Associations Coach Certification Program Athens 2019
    7. Training Seminar with theme « Coaching Diving », National Federation of State High School Associations Coach Certification Program Athens 2019
    8. Training Seminar with theme « ACL Injury Preve ntion », National Federation of State High School Associations Coach Certification Program Athens 2019
    9. Training Seminar with theme « Sportsmanship », National Federation of State High School Associations Coach Certification Program Athens 2019
    10. Training Seminar with theme « Coaching Pole Vault », National Federation of State High School Associations Coach Certification Program Athens 2019
    11. Training Seminar with theme « Coaching Special Olympics Unified Sports », National Federation of State High School Asso ciations Coach Certification Program Athens 2019
    12. Training Seminar with theme « National network of Focal Points Firearms: Next steps and development », CEPOL Athens 2018
    13. Training Seminar with theme « LE Cyber Awareness Programmes in order to dissuade yo ungsters from Cybercrime related activities », CEPOL Athens 2018
    14. Training Seminar with theme « Introduction to CEPOL in Czech language )», CEPOL Athens 2018
    15. Training Seminar with theme «Training opportunities for LE Belgian officials (in French)», CEPOL Athens 2018
    16. Training Seminar with theme «CEPOL style online courses: using the Moodle LMS and additional tools)», CEPOL Athens 2018
    17. Training Seminar with theme «Training opportunities for Belgian LE officials ( in Dutch)», CEPOL, Athens 2018
    18. Training Seminar with theme «Cybersecurity – Cooperation with CERTs and Private Sector», CEPOL, Athens 2018
    19. Training Seminar with theme «Cybersecurity – Cooperation with CERTs and Private Sector», CEPOL, Athens 2018
    20. Training Seminar with theme « Cross – cutti ng Cyber Investigation », CEPOL, Athens 2018
    21. Training Seminar with theme «CEPOL Exchange rogramme 2018 », CEPOL, Athens 2018
    22. Training Seminar with theme «Course Image 10.0 – LMS use for the support of CEPOL 2018 residential activities », CEPOL, Athens 201 8
    23. Training Seminar with theme «Document Fraud: presenting iFADO (Intranet False and Authentic Documents Online)», CEPOL, Athens 2018
    24. Training Seminar on topic « Data protection for law-enforcement authorities – new rules under Directive (EU) 2016/68 0», CEPOL, Athens 2018
    25. Training Seminar on theme «EU Anti trafficking coordinator», CEPOL , Athens 201 8
    26. Training Seminar with theme « Human Rights and Freedoms Fundmental of the Police Personnel », CEPOL, Athens 201 7
    27. Training program lasting 100 hours from a distance “Entrepreneurship: Sports Activities Management Specialist”, Double career of athletes / three universities of Peloponnese, Athens 2015
    28. The National Conference on « Stop Bullying – I want us to team! », National Olympic Academy of Greece, Athens 2015
    29. Training Seminar on “Development of Metaphorical Speech – Idioms”, ikid Webinars , Athens 2014
    30. Scientific Conference on “Evaluation of Practitioners in the Gym”, SEFAA Athens, Athens 2014
    31. Training Seminar on “Introduction to Assessment Tools & Intervention Programs for Students with Special Needs”, EKEGE Demokritos, Athens 2014
    32. Scientific Symposium on “Philosophy & Sports”, TEFAA Athens, Athens 2014
    33. International Online Seminar on Cultural Heritage & Tourism, INNOVA , Athens 2014
    34. the International Conference “People with Disabilities and Mass Media”, Secretariat General of Communication and Information, Athens 2014
    35. Training Seminar on ” I have a student who…” – Practical tips for Kindergarten teachers “, ikid Webinars , Athens 2014
    36. Training Seminar on “The Concept of Crisis & Changes in the Family and School”, ikid Webinars , Athens 2013
    37. Training Seminar on “The Experience of Being a Parent: Learning Our Child & Learning from Our Child”, ikid Webinars , Athens 2013
    38. International Online Energy & Environment Seminar, INNOVA , Athens 2013
    39. Training Seminar on “Development of Descriptive Speech”, ikid Webinars , Athens 2013
    40. The National Conference Greek Community Behavior Analysis, Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Athens 2013
    41. Scientific Conference on “Disabled in Higher Education, Equal Opportunities-Equal Opportunities”, Social Counseling Service of TEI of Athens, Athens 2013
    42. Scientific Conference on “Crisis & Labor Market in the Field of Health”, Alumni Association of Health & Welfare Manager TEI of Athens, Athens 2013
    43. Scientific Conference on “Sports, Vision & Science”, 251 GNA – Association of Greek Olympians, Athens 2013
    44. 30-hour distance learning program ” Synergy Methodology “, Society for the Development and Creative Employment of Children, Athens 2013
    45. Educational Program lasting 50 hours ” Intercultural Training of Civil Servants Who Deal with Third Country Nationals or Handle Issues Related to Them ”, Ergon KEK-Dimitra KEE-Evtexelixi-EMEA- University of Athens
    46. Training Program lasting 80 hours ” Principles & Methods of Adult Education Adapted to the Peculiarities of Small Business ” of the practice ‘Lifelong Learning Programs for the Human Resources of Small Business – Priority Axis 8’, Institute of Small Business of Greece Athens 2013
    47. the International Conference on “Bio-Medical Instruments & Related of Engineering and Natural Sciences», TEI, Athens 2013
    48. Scientific Conference on “Good Practices in Training & Counseling Services for People with Mental Retardation”, Margarita Special Education Laboratory, Athens 2013
    49. Training Seminar on ” Learning Disabilities and Foreign Language Learning “, ikid Webinars , Athens 2013
    50. Scientific Conference on “Working Together”, The Workshop-Home-Margarita-Panagia Eleousa, Athens 2013
    51. Training Seminar on “Utilization of the Toy for Child Development”, ikid Webinars , Athens 2013
    52. Training Seminar on “The Development of Phonological Awareness in Preschool & Early School Children”, ikid Webinars , Athens 2013
    53. Experiential Workshop on “Theatrical Play”, Xini Group, Athens 2013
    54. The National Conference of Mental Health, Technology & Telematics Applications entitled “Information Technology – Contact & Support, Monitoring and Maintenance Treatment of Mentally Ill”, GSSE Obrela , Athens 2013
    55. Seminar on ” GESTALT Psychotherapeutic Approaches “, Xini Group, Athens 2013
    56. Seminar on “The Role of the Psychologist at School: An Example in Learning Disabilities”, Xini Group, Athens 2013
    57. Seminar on “The Contribution of Private Security in Dealing with Violence”, Xini Group, Athens 2013
    58. Experiential Seminar on “Creating a Climate of Values ​​in the Classroom”, Municipal Kindergartens of the Municipality of Byron – Association Values ​​of Life in Education, Athens 2013
    59. Training Seminar on “Pontian Dances – Part 2”, Office of Physical Education School Counselors A ‘& B’ Athens, Athens 2013
    60. Scientific Conference on “Professional choices in times of crisis… and yet there is a solution”, Directorate of Secondary Education, Athens 2013, Athens 2013
    61. Experiential Seminar on “Theater & Creative Expression in School-theater Play as Educational Tool”, GSSE Troupe Avanti-24 the Board Iliou, Athens 2013
    62. Seminar on “Illustration in Children’s Books”, Xini Group, Athens 2013
    63. Training Seminar on “Dances of Asia Minor”, Office of Physical Education School Counselors A ‘& B’ Athens, Athens 2013
    64. Seminar on ” Eco Driving “, Xini Group, Athens 2013
    65. Scientific Conference on “European Practices in the Training of Counselors of Counseling & Psychosocial Rehabilitation Units”, AMKE IASIS, Athens 2013
    66. Seminar on “Autism-Diffuse Developmental Disorder”, Xini Group, Athens 2013
    67. Training Seminar on “Attractive Handball Learning Environment”, School Counselor of Physical Education B ‘Athens-Hellenic Handball Federation, Athens 2013
    68. Seminar on theme «Cinematherapy-The Art of Cinema as a Form of Therapy», Group Xini Athens 2013
    69. Seminar on “Respiratory Physiotherapy”, Xini Group, Athens 2013
    70. Scientific Conference on “Exercise & Childhood Obesity”, TEFAA Athens, Athens 2013
    71. Training Seminar on “Pontian Dances – Part A”, Office of Physical Education School Counselors A ‘& B’ Athens, Athens 2013
    72. Scientific Conference on “Gymnastics & Dance: Meetings in the Field of Physical Education”, TEFAA Athens, Athens 2013
    73. Training Seminar on “Poisoning in Children – Prevention & Treatment”, Office of Physical Education School Counselors A ‘& B’ Athens, Athens 2013
    74. Training Seminar on “The Architecture of Teaching”, Office of Physical Education School Counselors A ‘& B’ Athens, Athens 2013
    75. Scientific Conference on “Science & Practice in Classical Sports”, TEFAA Athens, Athens 2013
    76. Seminar on “Introduction to Music Therapy”, IST College , Athens 2012
    77. Scientific Conference on “Thirty Years of Psychiatric Reform… And Now What? », Society of Social Psychiatry & Mental Health, Athens 2012
    78. The National Conference on Tobacco Control on “Laboratory for Teachers: Fully Classroom Activities”, Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, Athens 2012
    79. The National Conference on Tobacco Control on “Learning not to smoke,” Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, Athens 2012
    80. Scientific Conference on “Developments of Physical Education and Special Physical Education in Greece and the World”, TEFAA Athens, Athens 2012
    81. The National Conference on “Contemporary Issues Education, Psychology & Pediatrics” Greek Scientific Society for Early Childhood Education, Athens 2012 
    82. the National Congress of Parents Schools on “The family is trained … Lifelong ‘i Youth Foundation & Lifelong Learning General Secretariat for Lifelong Learning of the Ministry of Education-Religion-Culture and Sport, Athens 2012
    83. the National Conference on “Education in the ICT era », EEEP-DTPE, Athens 2012
    84. Scientific Conference on “ADHD & Education: Beyond Hyperactivity”, Hellenic Society for the Study of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Athens 2012
    85. Seminar on “English Language: The Passport to Tourism & Shipping”, Xini Group, Athens 2012
    86. Seminar on ” AIDS : Modern Therapeutic Approaches”, Xini Group, Athens 2012
    87. Seminar on “Footprint”, Xini Group, Athens 2012
    88. Seminar on “Childhood Cerebral Palsy”, Xini Group, Athens 2012
    89. Seminar on “Sports Medicine in Practice”, Xini Group, Athens 2012
    90. Seminar on “The Efficiency of the New Tax Law”, Xini Group, Athens 2012
    91. Seminar on “Athletic Massage”, Xini Group, Athens 2012
    92. Seminar on ” Sports Marketing “, Xini Group, Athens 2012
    93. Seminar on “Sports Sponsorships”, Xini Group, Athens 2012
    94. 2nd Scientific Conference on “Tips in Pathology”, Hellenic Collaborating Oncology Unit, Athens 2012
    95. International Conference on Cardiovascular Medicine ‘CARDIO ATHENA’, 1st Cardiology Clinic and the Laboratory of the same name of the University of Athens, “Ippokratio” GNA, Athens 2012
    96. Scientific Conference on “Hippotherapy & Its Role in Modern Rehabilitation “, Panhellenic Association of Physiotherapists – ELETHIP, Athens 2012
    97. the International Congress on “Health education, sex education, Latest Trends,” Greek Society for Family Planning, Athens 2012
    98. “Primary Health Care Training Days, ‘G.Papadakis'”, 3rd Department of Pathology, Agios Panteleimon Hospital, Athens 2012
    99. The National Conference on Tobacco Control, Ministry of Education and Lifelong Learning and Religious Affairs Athens 2011
    100. the National Conference on “Digital School ” EEEP-DTPE, Athens 2011
    101. 37 The Annual Panhellenic Medical Conference, Athens Medical Society, Athens 2011
    102. Scientific Conference on “Business at the Pharmacy in the Face of Crisis – Hellas Pharm 201 ” Pharmaceutical Associations of Attica and Piraeus , Athens 2011
    103. International Conference on Cardiovascular Medicine ‘ CARDIO ATHENA ‘, 1st Cardiology Clinic and the Laboratory of the same name of the University of Athens, “Ippokratio” GNA, Athens 2011
    104. “Primary Health Care Training Days, ‘G.Papadakis'”, 3rd Department of Pathology, Agios Panteleimon Hospital, Athens 2011
    105. The Scientific Conference on “Pharmacy: Entrepreneurship & Health Communication “, Journal PHARMACY Management & Communication , Athens 2011
    106. The National Conference Vitreous – Retinal, Greek Company Vitreous – Retinal, Athens 2011
    107. International Conference on “Year of Biodiversity: The Next Day & the Greek Reality “, MEDITERRANEAN SOS Network , Athens 2010
    108. 22 The National Congress of Rheumatology, Greek Rheumatology Society, Athens 2010
    109. Scientific Conference on “LIKE EVERYONE “, Special Education Workshop ‘Margarita’ & ESTIA, Athens 2010
    110. Scientific Conference on “Cancer: Education, Research & Clinical Practice” Breast Cancer. Does the Essential Remain Invisible? », Professional Association of Pathologists Oncologists of Greece, Athens 2010
    111. Scientific Conference for the 100 Years of Operation of the “Andreas Syggros ” Hospital , Hellenic Dermatological & Venereological Society, Athens 2010
    112. The Scientific Workshop on “Information & Awareness Social Disability ” Piraikos Training Center for Disabled, Athens 2010
    113. the Scientific Congress of Thoracic Surgeons – Heart – Vascular, Greek Society of Thoracic Surgeons – Heart – Vascular, Athens 2010
    114. X World Congress of Asthma (WCA 2010), International Association of Asthmology Athens 2010
    115. the National Conference on “The Future of Learning ” EEEP-DTPE, Athens 2010
    116. The Scientific Conference on “Psychosocial Rehabilitation of Persons with Mental Disorders – Past & Future ” COMPASS A.M.K.E., Athens 2010
    117. 30 s  Athenian Urological Days, Greek Urological Association, Athens 2010
    118. 25 the International Congress of Cardiology Clinic, Greek Heart Foundation, Athens 2010
    119. The Scientific Symposium “The Secondary School as Living Educational Organization ” management thesis 4th Athens, Athens 2010
    120. International Cardiovascular Medicine Conference ‘ CARDIO ATHENA ‘, Hellenic Society of Cardiology, Athens 2010
    121. Scientific Conference on “The Prevention & Management of Diabetes “, Hellenic Diabetes Society, Athens 2010
    122. The Scientific Conference on “Advances in Gastroenterology & Ipatiologia ” Greek Gastroenterology & Nutrition Foundation, Athens 2010
    123. “Primary Health Care Training Workshops, ‘G. Papadakis’ 2007”, 3rd Pathology Department, Agios Panteleimon Hospital, Athens 2010
    124. 13 the Multithematic Athens Naval Hospital Congress, Athens 2010
    125. 15 the Scientific Seminar on “Biomechanics of the Spine and Biotechnology”, University of Athens Medical School, Athens 2009
    126. the National Conference on “For a good sleep ,” Greek Society for Sleep Disorders, Athens 2009
    127. The National Conference of Pharmaceutical & Invasive neuromodulation, International Society neuromodulation & Area Southeast Europe, Athens 2009
    128. the Conference of the Working Groups of Greek Atherosclerosis Society, Athens 2009
    129. Scientific Conference on “Breast Cancer: From Anarchic Accumulation of Information to Synthesis “, ‘Agios Savvas’ Hospital, Athens 2009
    130. the National Conference Attic Dermatological Days, University of Athens Medical School, Athens 2009
    131. the Hellenic-Italian Workshop on “Non-Inflammatory arthropathy in Childhood ” Children’s Hospital “Agia Sofia”, Athens 2009
    132. The National Conference of Oncology Imaging, Health Club, Athens 2009
    133. Athens Interventional Cardiovascular TherapeuticsX, Hellenic Cardiological Society Athens 2009
    134. Training Seminar on “Continuing Education of Health Professions for the Organization of Smoking Cessation Clinics “, Hellenic Pulmonary Society, Athens 2009
    135. 15 The National Conference of Internal Medicine, Greek Society of Internal Medicine, Athens 2009
    136. 12 The National Conference Lipidiology Atherosclerosis and Vascular Disease, Greek Company Lipidiology Atherosclerosis and Vascular Disease, Athens 2009
    137. The National Conference subspecialty in Dermatology, Dermatology & Venereology Greek Society, Athens 2009
    138. the International Conference on “Disability and Media “, Ministry of Interior (Secretariat of Communication and Information), Athens 2009
    139. The National Congress of Surgery of Obesity, Greek Society for Bariatric Surgery, Athens 2009
    140. The Conference « Athens Music Forum », Mad TV , Athens 2009
    141. International Two-Day Conference on “The Impact of Organizing the Olympic Games in Beijing, Athens, Sydney , Barcelona. Utilization of Olympic Facilities and Projects “, Technical Chamber of Greece, Athens 2009 
    142. The National Conference Colorectal-Anal, Greek Society for Surgery Colon-rectum Athens 2009
    143. the International Conference « Rhinology – Otology Skull Base Surgery Current Concepts », Athens University Medical School, Athens 2009
    144. 29 s  Athenian Urological Days, Greek Urological Association, Athens 2009
    145. Metabolism Workshops, Diabetological Center of the General Hospital of Piraeus ‘Tzanio’, Athena 2009
    146. 35 The Annual Panhellenic Medical Conference, Athens Medical Society, Athens 2009
    147. Scientific Conference on Nutrition & Physical Exercise on “I Think & Education-I Eat “, First Primary School of Athens-Office of Health Education, Athens 2009
    148. The Scientific Conference on “Nutrition & Gastrointestinal Problems in Infants “, Greek Neonatal Society, Athens 2009
    149. the National Workshop on “History of Cardiology “, Laboratory , Athens University Medical History, Athens 2009
    150. 13 th State of the Art, the European Union of Medical Specialists, Athens 2009
    151. International Cardiovascular Medicine Conference ‘ CARDIO ATHENA ‘, Hellenic Society of Cardiology, Athens 2009
    152. 11 The National Conference Mastology, Greek Company Mastology, Athens 2009
    153. The Scientific Meeting on “Life-Assist Devices Bridges ” PGNA Annunciation, Athens 2009
    154. International Musicological Conference on “Greek Music Creation 20 th century for other Lyric Theater & Performing Arts ‘ Music Library of Greece ‘Lilian Voudouri’, Athens 2009
    155. The European Congress on Clinical & Economic Aspects of Osteoporosis & Osteoarthritis, International Osteoporosis Foundation, Athens 2009
    156. 10 The  Spring Symposium of Pulmonary entitled “Inflammatory Lung Diseases ” Greek Respiratory Society , Athens 2009
    157. Scientific Seminar on ” 5th Decalogue of Infections”, Alpha Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Athens 2009
    158. 14 the Greek Congress Helicobacter pylori, Greek Helicobacter pylori Study, Athens 2009
    159. The Scientific Conference on “Obesity: A Global Health Problem ,” Greek Medical Association for Obesity , Athens 2009
    160. “Primary Health Care Training Days, ‘G.Papadakis'”, 3rd Department of Pathology, Agios Panteleimon Hospital, Athens 2009
    161. 14 The National Conference of Internal Medicine, Greek Society of Internal Medicine, Athens 2008
    162. the National Congress with theme « Women ‘ Health Disease », Hellenic Society of Pediatr ic & Adolescent Gynecology, Athens 2008
    163. the National Neonatology Congress, Greek Neonatal Society, Athens 2008
    164. The National Conference Greek Company Digestive Surgery, Digestive Surgery Greek Society, Athens 2008
    165. Scientific Seminar on “Intercultural Communication Activities for Tackling Prejudice & Racism “, Youth Counseling Center of the Directorate of Secondary Education of West Attica, Athens 2008
    166. Scientific Meeting on “Current Issues in Heart, Lung Diseases “, Thoracic-Vascular Clinic of PGNA Evangelismos, Athens 2008
    167. The National Conference of Medical Studies, Greek Society of Medical Studies, Athens 2008
    168. 35 The National Congress of Endocrinology & Metabolism, Greek Endocrine Society, Athens 2008
    169. the National Conference of Pediatric Subspecialty, Greek Pediatric Society, Athens 2008
    170. the Scientific Conference on “Advances in Gastroenterology & Hepatology ” Greek Gastroenterology & Nutrition Foundation, Athens 2008
    171. the Scientific Congress of Greek Association of Supportive Care in Cancer Oral, Oral Greek Supportive Care in Cancer Society, Athens 2008
    172. Scientific Seminar on ” 4th Decalogue of Infections “, Herrikos Dinan Hospital, Athens 2008
    173. Scientific Conference on “New Horizons in the Management of Diabetes and its Complications “, Hellenic Diabetological Society, Athens 2008
    174. The National Symposium of Arterial Hypertension, Antihypertensive Greek Society, Athens 2008
    175. the National Conference Aviation & Space Medicine, Greek Company Aviation & Space Medicine, Athens 2008
    176. the Scientific Seminar on “Electrolyte Disorders and Disorders of acid-base balance,” Third Department of Internal Medicine, University of Athens, Athens 2008
    177. 11 th Intensive Training Cycle on “Pediatric Endocrinology”, Greek Endocrine Society, Athens 2008
    178. 17 the Multithematic Medical Symposium 251 General Air Force Hospital, Athens 2008
    179. “Primary Health Care Training Days, ‘G.Papadakis'”, 3rd Department of Pathology , Agios Panteleimon Hospital, Athens 2008
    180. 10 the National Gerontology-Geriatrics Congress, Greek Gerontology & Geriatrics Society, Athens 2008
    181. The National Conference Vitreous Retina, Vitreous Retina Society Greek, Athens 2008
    182. Scientific Conference on “Today & Tomorrow’s Oncology”, Oncology Unit of Athens General Hospital Ippokratio, Athens 2007   
    183. the Conference for Training Primary School Physical Education on “Passage” School Counselors Office B N / Directorate of Patents Athens, Athens 2007
    184. 16 The National Conference of Thoracic Diseases, Greek Respiratory Society, Athens 2007
    185. the Annual National Conference of the Greek Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition, Pediatrics Greek Society of Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition, Athens 2007    
    186. Scientific Conference on “Latest Data & Contrasts in Pancreatic Diseases “, Hellenic Gastroenterological Society, Athens 2007
    187. 13 The Scientific Seminar Biomechanics of the Spine and Biotechnology, College of Greek Orthopedic Surgeons, Athens 2007
    188. the Scientific Colloquium on “Controversial Points in Breast Cancer “, Greek & Greek Surgical Society Cancer Institute, Athens 2007
    189. Symposium of the Working Groups of the Hellenic Atherosclerosis Society, Hellenic Atherosclerosis Society, Athens 2007
    190. Training Conference on “School Violence: Causes, Forms, Ways of Dealing”, Hellenic Society for Comparative Education, Athens 2007
    191. Training Meeting on “The New Teaching Packages of Physical Education & their application in Teaching Practice “, Office of School Counselors of Secondary Education, Athens 2007
    192. The Scientific Conference on “Sports & Female “, University of Athens Medical School, Athens 2007
    193. the Scientific Colloquium on “Diseases of the anus and the Periedrikis Country ” Professional Association Gastroenterologists Greece, Athens 2007
    194. 11 The National Conference of Psychosocial Oncology, Greek Association for the Psychosocial Oncology, Athens 2007  
    195. 10 The National Conference Greek Surgery Endocrine Society, Greek Society for Endocrine Surgery, Athens 2007  
    196. the  Nursing Congress Armed Forces Nursing Officers School, Athens 2007
    197. Seminars of Basic Knowledge in the Musculoskeletal System “Physiology, Pathology, Restoration of Joint Cartilage Damage “, Laboratory of Research of Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System ‘Th. Garofalidis’, Athens 2007
    198. Scientific Conference on “Oncology in Primary Care “, Oncology Unit of the General Hospital ‘I Sotiria’, Athens 2007
    199. The National Epilepsy Conference on “Non-epileptic and epileptic Paroxyntika Phenomena in Children & Adults” Greek National League Against Epilepsy, Athens 2007
    200. Scientific Conference on “Public Health & Social Policy: Eleftherios Venizelos & His Era”, National School of Public Health, Athens 2007
    201. 17 the National Meeting of Users of Geographic Information Systems ArcGIS Marathon Data Systems , Athens 2007  
    202. th International Workshop ‘Highlights In Basic & Clinical Neuroendocrinology 2007’, Greek Society for Endocrinology Athens 2007  
    203. The National Conference Greek Society of Medical Mykitiologias, Athens 2007
    204. the National Conference of Dermatology & Venereology, Greek Society of Dermatology & Venereology, Athens 2007
    205. the   Scientific University of Athens Medical School Congress, Athens 2007
    206. The National Conference Ultrasound, Greek Society of Ultrasound in Remedies- Biology, Athens 2007
    207. 17 The National Congress of Anesthesiology, Greek Society of Anaesthesiology, Athens 2007
    208. Scientific Conference on ” Prevention of Violence: Coordination & Joint Actions of Institutions “, Ministry of Health and Social Solidarity , Athens 2007
    209. Scientific Conference on “Traffic Accidents & Other Involuntary Injuries”, Ministry of Health & Social Solidarity , Athens 2007
    210. the National Intercompany Cancer Congress, Greek Breast Surgery Society, Athens 2007
    211. The National Conference & International Forum Greek College of Surgeons, Athens 2007
    212. International Conference on Cardiovascular Medicine, Hellenic Society of Cardiology, Athens 2007 
    213. The National Conference on “Advances in Otorhinolaryngology”, University of Athens Medical School, Athens 2007
    214. “Primary Health Care Training Days, ‘G.Papadakis'”, 3rd Department of Pathology, Agios Panteleimon Hospital, Athens 2007
    215. The National Conference Ourogynaikologias & Rehabilitation of Pelvic Floor Disorders, Greek Company Ourogynaikologias & Pelvic Floor Disorders, Athens 2007
    216. the National Congress Heart Failure, Study & Research of Heart Failure, Athens 2007
    217. the National Conference of Preventive Medicine, Greek Society for Preventive Medicine, Athens 2007
    218. Postgraduate Seminar on “Acute Renal Insufficiency”, Hellenic Nephrological Society, Athens 2007
    219. Scientific Conference on “Developments in Nephrology”, Nephrology Unit DTHKA “Health”, Athens 2007 
    220. The National Conference Vitreous-Retina, Vitreous Retina Society Greek, Athens 2007
    221. Anniversary Conference on “Psychiatric Care in Greece-Between Tradition & New Needs”, Hellenic Center for Mental Health & Research, Athens 2006
    222. 15 The National Congress of Radiology, Radiological Society Greek, Athens 2006
    223. Panhellenic Conference of the Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Greece, Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Greece, Athens 2006
    224. 12 the Seminar on “Biomechanics of the Spine & Biotechnology”, Greek Surgery Orthopedics & Traumatology, Athens 2006 
    225. Scientific Conference on “Neuroscience & Psychoanalysis”, Hellenic Psychiatric Society, Athens 2006
    226. the Seminar on Infectious Diseases “Respiratory Infections: A Contemporary Challenge” University General Hospital Attikon, Athens 2006
    227. The National Conference Pagkreatologias, Greek Pagkreatologiki Society, Athens 2006
    228. the Hellenic Atherosclerosis Society Congress, Greek Atherosclerosis Society, Athens 2006
    229. 19 The National Congress of Rheumatology, Greek Rheumatology Society, Athens 2006
    230. 20 The Postgraduate Two-day on “Migration and Health”, Greek Medical psychosomatic problems Study, Athens 2006
    231. The Scientific Conference on “Childhood-Diseases-Rare Orphan Drugs” Rare Diseases National Union, Athens 2006
    232. 20 The   National Conference of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Greek Company, Athens 20 06
    233. th Symposium on New Molecules in Cancer Therapeutics, Hellenic Oncology Research Team Athens 2006
    234. the Scientific Seminar on “Psychosocial Support of Children with Cancer & family” Oncology Aglaia Kyriakou Children’s Hospital, Athens 2006
    235. The Scientific Meeting Gymnastics on “Interdisciplinary Viopsychokinitiki in the fields of gymnastics,” Exercise Physiology Athens, Athens 2006
    236. 27 the National Cardiology Congress, Greek Cardiological Society, Athens 2006
    237. the Athens Euro-American Urology Conference « Current and Future Perspectives », Greek Society of Urology, Athens 2006
    238. 10 The National Conference of Pharmaceutical Education and Dietary Intervention in the Prevention and Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease, Greek Lipodiologias & Atherosclerosis Society, Athens 2006
    239. Educational Conference on “The New School Textbooks for Primary Education”, Hellenic Letters Publications, Athens 2006.
    240. The National Conference of Bone Metabolism, Greek Society for the Study of Bone Metabolism, Athens 2005
    241. Sports Day on “Exercise-Strength-Training”, Sports Organization of the Municipality of Korydallos & Office of Physical Education Piraeus, Athens 2005
    242. Scientific Conference on “Developments in Otolaryngology”, Medical School of the University of Athens, Athens 2005
    243. The National Conference Department of Shoulder and Elbow, Greek Society of Orthopedic Surgery Traumatology (Department of Shoulder and Elbow), Athens 2005
    244. The National Congress of Gynecological Oncology, Greek Society of Gynecological Oncology, Athens 2005
    245. The National Congress of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Greek Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Athens 2005
    246. the intercompany Cancer Congress, Greek Cancer Society, Athens 2005
    247. The National Blood Pressure Conference, Greek Antiypertatiki Society, Athens 2005
    248. The National Conference Trauma & Emergency Surgery, Greek Society for Trauma and Emergency Surgery, Athens 2005
    249. 14 the Multithematic Medical Symposium 2004, 251 General Air Force Hospital, Athens 2005
    250. “Primary Health Care Training Days, ‘G.Papadakis'”, 3rd Department of Pathology, Agios Panteleimon Hospital, Athens 2005
    251. Scientific Seminar on “Decalogue of Nosocomial Infections”, Errikos Dinan Hospital, Athens 2005
    252. The National Conference Heart Failure, Study & Research of Heart Failure, Athens 2005
    253. The National Conference Mastology, Greek Company Mastology, Athens 2005
    254. Scientific Conference on “Multiple Injuries What’s New”, Hellenic Society of Cardiovascular & Hellenic Society of Intensive Care, Athens 2005
    255. the National Conference of Preventive Medicine, Greek Society for Preventive Medicine, Athens 2005
    256. the Multithematic Medical Congress, Athens Naval Hospital, Athens 2 005
    257. Sports Conference on “The Prospects & Problems of the Market of the Sports Spectacle in our Country”, Sports Newspaper Sport Day SA, Athens 2004
    258. Scientific Conference on “Indications for Plasma & Albumin Administration”, Hellenic Hematological Society, Athens 2004
    259. The National Digestive Oncology Conference on “Volume Digestive System. From Molecular Biology to Clinical Practice “, Hellenic Society of Digestive Oncology, Athens 2004
    260. the Sports Medicine Symposium “Athlitismos- championship -Epidosi-Health – Doping », NB Poseidon of Ilisia, Athens 2004
    261. 18 The National Congress of Rheumatology, Greek Rheumatology Society, Athens 2004
    262. The National Conference on Atherosclerosis, Greek Atherosclerosis Society, Athens 2004
    263. Scientific Conference on “Reproductive Endocrinology in Women & Men”, Hellenic Endocrinological Society, Athens 2004
    264. the National Conference on “Cancer Indicators & Targeted Therapy”, Greek Cancer Society Indicators & Targeted Therapy, Athens 2004
    265. Clinical Tutorial Student Health Sciences Faculties « HIV infection in the 21 the -p & Future”, Greek & Response Study of AIDS , Athens 2004
    266. Event on “Olympic Games & Civil Protection. Public Protection Measures in Emergencies & Risks “, Civil Protection Volunteers Piraeus / Volunteer sector Office of Support & Preparation for the Olympic Games Municipality of Piraeus, Athens 2004
    267. Scientific Conference on “Eating Habits & Mental Health”, Laboratory of Psychological Counseling for Students of the University of Athens, Athens 2004
    268. 12 The National Congress of Clinical Oncology, Oncology Company-pathologists Greece, Athens 2004
    269. Scientific Conference on “People with Visual Impairment & Multiple Disabilities. Experiences-Perspectives “, Amymoni, Athens 2004
    270. The Greek Conference Helicobacter pylori, Greek Helicobacter pylori Study, Athens 2004
    271. Scientific Conference on “Sports Nutrition: The Safe Choice”, Laboratory of Nutrition and Clinical Dietetics of Harokopio University, Athens 2004
    272. 20 the Seminar on “What youngest in Pulmonology 2002-2004” Greek Vronchologiki Society, Athens 2004
    273. 13 the Multithematic Medical Symposium 2004, 251 General Air Force Hospital, Athens 2004
    274. Scientific Conference on “Diabetes & Kidney”, Hellenic Diabetes Society, Athens 2004
    275. Scientific Meeting on. “Dilemmas & Contradictions in the Treatment of Breast Cancer I”, Breast Center “Iasso”, Athens 2004
    276. the National Conference Heart Failure, Study & Research of Heart Failure, Athens 2004
    277. “Primary Health Care Educational Workshops, ‘G. Papadakis'”, C’ Pathology Department ‘Agios Panteleimon’ Hospital, Athens 2004
    278. the National Conference of Preventive Medicine, Greek Society for Preventive Medicine, Athens 2004 “, Greek Heart Foundation, Athens 2003
    279. Scientific Conference on “Fortified Foods: Their Role in Physical Performance & Prevention of Health Education, Athens 2003
    280. Scientific Conference on “Physical Exercise in the Prevention & Rehabilitation of Cardiovascular Diseases”, Hellenic Foundation of Cardiology, Athens 2003
    281. 13 the National Transplant Congress, Greek Society of Transplantation, Athens 2003
    282. The National Conference of School Sport and Physical Education, Ministry of Education, Athens 2003
    283. the National Conference of Nursing Students, Nursing Department, University of Athens, Athens 2003
    284. the International Seminar EL.I.OS., Greek Osteoporosis Institute, Athens 2003
    285. Scientific Multi-Conference on “Greek Motivation & Eating Habit”, Festival Study 2003, Athens 2003
    286. Scientific Multi-Conference on “Olympic Games 2004. The Present & The Future for Our Country”, Festival Study 2003, Athens 2003
    287. Annual Scientific Conference of Orthopedic Clinics on “Developing Childhood Diseases”, Children’s Hospital, Athens 2003
    288. Scientific Conference on “Anterior Cruciate Injuries”, PGN Hospital ‘ Asklipieio Voulas’, Athens 2003
    289. the Conference on “Challenges for the Greek Administration of Sports,” Greek Sport Management Association, Athens 2003
    290. International Symposium on “Sports and Culture as Factors of Self-Improvement in Disability”, Center for the Development of Adapted Sports Culture, Athens 2003
    291. Scientific Seminar on theme « Current Practices and Future Trends in Altitude Training », Ε Φ Α Α Athens Athens   2003


4. Special Training in Lifeguarding       

    1. Educational Program ”   Good Fighting Sport Lifeguarding “, Hellenic Federation of Underwater Sport Fishing Greece 31/010 / 201 8
    2. Introduction to Sport Lifesaving Pool Events, International Swimming Hall of Fame, Greece 11/09/2014
    3. Beach Lifeguard , Poseidon Lifeguard School, Greece 07/04/2014
    4. Seminar for Coaches, Judges-Timers of Sport Lifeguard, Hellenic Federation of Underwater Sport Fishing Greece   22-13 / 03/2014
    5. Lifeguard Memory and Honor Conference of Yesterday and Today, ESDY-EES-EOUDA- INHOF , Greece 10/10/2012
    6. Lifeguard Training Day: Prevention – Rescue – Care, Hellenic Federation of Underwater Activity & Fisheries, Greece 02/03/2011
    7. Pool Lifeguard Teacher / Examiner, Swimming Teachers’ Association, Greece 29/01/2007
    8. Beach Lifeguard, Surf Life Saving Association GB, Greece 25/01/2005
    9. Introduction to Pool Theoretical and Waterpark Lifeguarding, Swimming Teachers’ Association, Greece 19/09/ 2004
    10. st International Congress Lifeguard, Lifeguard European Academy Greece 18-19 / 09/ 2004
    11. Daily Meeting of Lifeguarding , European Lifeguard Academ Greece 11/04/2004
    12. Lifesaving: Dangers Inside & Outside the Liquid Element, Association of Private Gyms of Attica, Greece 05/04/2003
    13. Pool Lifeguard, National Aquatic Rescue Standard – Level 2, Swimming Teachers’ Association, Greece 27/01 / 2003,17 / 01/20 07


5. Special Rescue Training       

    1. Rescue Models & Theories, Ministry of Health, Greece 12/07/2015
    2. Drowning: Prevention-Rescue-Care, Ministry of Health, Greece 09/07/2015
    3. Lifesaving Related Theories and Models, International Swimming Hall of Fame, Greece 1/09/2014
    4. Drowning: Prevention-Rescue-Care, ISHOF -KEELPNO-EOUDA, Greece 08/22/2014
    5. Drowning: Prevention, Rescue, Treatment, International Swimming Hall of Fame, Greece 16/08/2014
    6. Gold Water Rescue Skills, Swimming Teachers’ Association, Greece 11/03/2007
    7. Silver Water Rescue Skills, Swimming Teachers’ Association, Greece 10/032007
    8. Bronze Water Rescue Skills, Swimming Teachers’ Association, Greece 2007
    9. Theoretical Introduction to Lifesaving Swimming Teachers’ Association, Greece 19/09/2004


6. Special Training in First Aid       

    1. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation & Use of Automatic External Defibrillator, EKAB, Greece 16/10/2014
    2. Lucas 2 CPR Trainers, Lucas Web Training Center, Greece 22/09/2014
    3. Lucas 1 CPR Trainers, Lucas Web Training Center, Greece 22/09/2014
    4. Basic Skills in First Aid, Athens Medical School, Athens 21/05/2014
    5. Lifelong Learning Program ‘First Aid at Work’, Institute of Small Business of the General Confederation of Professional Craftsmen of Greece, Athens 08-11 / 01/2013
    6. Basic Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation & Use of Automatic External Defibrillator, Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center, Athens 31/10/2012
    7. First Aid – Treatment of Minor Accidents, Bleeding, Rhinorrhea, Burns, Foreign Body in the Neck, Municipal Kindergartens of the Municipality of Byron, 28/03/2012
    8. First Aid, Corfu General Hospital, Corfu 17/10/2010
    9. Basic Life Support & AED , Sports Medicine Society of Sports Doctors, Greece 10/05/2009
    10. Basic Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, PNOI-Friends of Child Intensive Care, Greece 19/05/2009
    11. First Aid, Office of School Counselors of Secondary School of West Attica, Greece 27/02/2008
    12. First Responder Defibrillation with an AED, Laerdal, Greece 10/06/2007
    13. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, EKAB Athens, Greece 27/05/20 07
    14. Basic Life Support & Automatic External Defibrillation, European Resuscitation Council , Greece 11/03/2007
    15. Basic Life Support & Automatic External Defibrillation, Hellenic Society of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, Greece 11/03/2007
    16. Child & Baby Resuscitation Certificate, Swimming Teachers’ Association, Greece 10/03/2007
    17. Otter, First Aid level 4, Swimming Teachers’ Association, Greece 09/03/ 2007
    18. Otter, First Aid level 3, Swimming Teachers’ Association, Greece 08/03/ 2007
    19. Otter, First Aid level 2, Swimming Teachers’ Association, Greece 07/03/ 2007
    20. Otter, First Aid level 1, Swimming Teachers’ Association, Greece 06/03/ 2007
    21. Basic Life Support & Automatic External Defibrillation, Hellenic Society of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, Greece 22/02/2007
    22. Educational Program 2007 ‘First Aid’, Hellenic Red Cross, Greece 11 / 01-28 / 02/2007
    23. the National Committee Symposium Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, Greece 25/11/2006
    24. Basic Principles & First Aid, Panhellenic School of Lifeguarding, Greece 02/0 4/2005
    25. Cardio-Pulmonary Adult Resuscitation Presentation, Swimming Teachers’ Association, Greece 19/09/ 2004
    26. Certificate Ressuscitation Adult, Swimming Teachers’ Association, Greece 24/01/ 2004
    27. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, Association of Private Gyms of Attica, Greece 04/04/2003


7. Training in Marine Survival, Safety, Swimming       

    1. An Opportunity for Children in Water Safety , Ministry of Health, Greece 12/07/2015
    2. Safety in a Swimming Pool, Ministry of Health, Greece 10/07/2015
    3. Water Safety at Sea and Inland Water, International Swimming Hall of Fame, Greece 10/09/2014
    4. Water Safety in Water-Parks, International Swimming H all of Fame, Greece 10/09/2014
    5. Water Safety in Swimming Pools, International Swimming Hall of Fame, Greece 09/09/2014
    6. Specialized Volunteer of the Register of the General Secretariat for Civil Protection, Greece 29/04/2014
    7. Upgrading of the institution of Health & Safety at Work, Association of Safety Technicians of Greece, Greece 12/20/2013
    8. Medicine at Sea-Diving Medicine, P.M.S. International Medicine-Health Crisis Management University of Athens, 17-18 / 05/2013
    9. Health & Safety in Primary Education, Hellenic Institute of Occupational Health & Safety, Greece 04/04/2013
    10. Occupational Health and Safety Conditions, Hellenic Institute of Occupational Health & Safety, Greece 03/04/2013
    11. Road Traffic Accident-Prevention and Suppression Xini Group, Greece 28/03/2013
    12. Self-Defense-Self-Defense Techniques, Xini Group, Greece 08/05/2012
    13. Hygiene, Safety & Rescue in Swimming Tanks, Center for Disease Control & Prevention of the Ministry of Health & Social Solidarity, Athens 19/04/2012
    14. Safety Certificate Code Water, Swi mming Teachers’ Association, Greece 12/08/ 2007
    15. Release & Immobilization of the Injured, EKAB Athens, Greece 27/05/2007
    16. Free Diving [Static-Dynamic Apnea], AIDA HELLAS , Greece 23-24 / 04/2005
    17. Supervisor degree for Swimmers People with Special Disability, Ro yal Life Saving Society UK , Greece 02/08/2003
    18. Personal Survival in Water-Level 2, Amateur Swimming Association , Greece 27/01/2003
    19. National Water Safety Plan Award, Amateur Swimming Association , Greece 26/01/2003
    20. Personal Survival in Water-Level 1, Amateur Swimming Association , Greece 25/01/2003


8. Sports       

8.1. Sports activity    

    1. 1 Year Member of the National Team of the Hellenic Weightlifting Police
    2. 1 Year Member of the National Armed Forces (Army) Weightlifting Team
    3. 2 Years Member of the National-Pre-National Weightlifting Team
    4. 3 Years Member of the National-Pre-National Weightlifting Team
    5. 12 Years Weightlifting Athlete in Pegasus Korydallos
    6. 1 Year Poker Athlete at the Hellenic Poker Federation
    7. 1 Year Fencing Athlete in Paradise of Maroussi
    8. 1 Year Athlete Bridge at the Piraeus Bridge Sports Club
    9. 1 Year Athlete Shaolin Kung Fu at DP the Energy Road
    10. 12 Years Member of Greek Traditional Dances in the Parishes of Piraeus
    11. 2 Years Basketball Athlete at AE Renti
    12. 1 Year Technical Swimming Athlete in NE Vouliagmeni
    13. 5 Years Swimming Athlete at GNO Aris Nikaia
    14. 5 Years Swimming Athlete at Olympiakos Piraeus
    15. 2 Years Swimming Athlete at AO Athinaion


8.2. Participation in Competitions – Distinctions    

  1. the position of 33m. Elefthero, aged 1967-87, Inter-Municipal Swimming Games of the Municipality of Keratsini, Athens 2006
  2. the gap, 4 33m. Elefthero, aged 1967-87, Inter-Municipal Swimming Games of the Municipality of Keratsini, Athens 2006
  3.            the position, Weightlifting, Panhellenic Games Armed Forces, Kalamata 2005
  4.            Annual ranking, Weightlifting, ‘ Top 15′ Men 2003
  5.            10 the position Weightlifting, ‘ Top 15′ Men, 2002
  6.            Participation in the Piraeus Round’02, Piraeus Round, 2002
  7.            the position, School football matches Unified School Redi, 2001
  8.            the position, Weightlifting, Greek School Championship Lyceum, Athens 2000
  9.            Participation in Gyro Renti’00, Gyro Renti, Athens 2000
  10.         the position, Weightlifting, Panhellenic Student Games, Athens 2000
  11.         the position, Weightlifting, Panhellenic Student Games, Athens 1999
  12.         the position, Weightlifting, Panhellenic Student Games, Athens 1 998
  13.         Participation in Gyros Renti’00, Gyros Renti, Athens 1998
  14.         Participation in the Sports Events of the Municipality of Renti, Athens 1998


8.3. Swimmer Tournament    

    1. the position 100. Elefthero, Pampaidon A ‘, AKO Chalkida, Chalkida 21/06/1997
    2. the position 100. Elefthero, Pampaidon A ‘, Tzelatia, Vouliagmeni 31/05/1997
    3. the position, 4 100 meters. Mixed Team, Pampaida A ‘, Liougeia, Glyfada 25/05/1997
    4. the position 100. Elefthero, Pampaidon A ‘, Liougeia, Glyfada 25/05/1997
    5. the position, 4 100 meters. Elefthero, Pampaidon A ‘, Liougeia, Glyfada 24/05/1997
    6. the position 50. Elefthero, Pampaidon A ‘, Liougeia, Glyfada 24/05/1997
    7. the position, 4 100 meters. Mixed Team, Androutsia, Athens 20/04/1997
    8. the position, 4 100 meters. Elefthero, Androutsia, Athens 19/04/1997
    9. the position, 4 100 meters. Mixed Team, Ionideia, Athens 1996
    10. the position, 4 100 meters. Mixed Team, Ionideia, Athens 1995
    11. the position, 4 50m.Elefthero, ‘Olive 95, Athens 6-7 / 06/1995
    12. the position 50m.Petalouda, R ” Olive 95, Athens 6-7 / 06/1995
    13. the position 50. Elefthero, Municipality of Athens, 21/05/1995
    14. the position, 4 50 meters. Elefthero, boys 12 years old, C ‘Panionia, Athens 8-9 / 04/1995
    15. the position, 4 100 meters. Elefthero, ‘Homenetmen 1918’, 12 year old boys, Athens 02/03/1995
    16. the position 50. Elefthero, ‘Homenetmen 1918’, 12 year old boys, Athens 02/03/1995
    17. the position 100. Free 12 year old boys, GNO Aris Nikaia 03/12/199 4
    18. the position 200. Mixed Group 12 year old boys, GNO Aris Nikaia 03/12/1994
    19. the position 100. Butterfly 12 year old boys, GNO Aris Nikaia 03/12/1994
    20. the position, 4 100 meters. Free 10-12 year old boys, GNO Aris Nikaia 03/12/1994
    21. the position, 4 50 meters. Mixed Group 10-12 years old boys, GNO Aris Nikaia 03/12/1994
    22. the position, 4 50 meters. Free 12 year old boys, NE Corinth, Corinth 29/10/1994
    23. the position 100. Free 12 year old boys, NE Corinth, Corinth 29/10/1994
    24. the position, 4 100 meters. Mixed Group 12 year old boys, NE Corinth, Corinth 29/10/1994
    25. the gap, 4 50m.Meikti group, 12 years old boys, ‘I’ Resteia, Faliro 02/07/1994
    26. the position 50. Free, 12 year old boys, NE of Patras, Patras 23/02/1992
    27. the position 50. Butterfly, 2nd Panionia, Athens 1992


8.4. Panhellenic Swimming Victories    

    1. the position, 100 meters. Elefthero, Pampaidon A ‘, Winter Championship, Athens 1997
    2. the position, 4 100. Joint Group, Pampaidon A ‘Winter Championship, Athens 1997
    3. the position, 4 100 meters. Mixed Team, Summer Championship, Athens 1997
    4. the gap, 4 200. Elefthero, Summer Championship, Athens 1997
    5. the position, 4 100 meters. Mixed Team, Summer Championship, Athens 1996
    6. the gap, 4 200. Elefthero, Pampaidon B ‘, Summer Championship, Athens 1996
    7. the position, 4 100 meters. Elefthero, Summer Championship, Athens 1996
    8. the position, 4 100 meters. Freestyle, Winter Championship, Athens 1995
    9. the position, 4 100 meters. Mixed Team, Summer Championship, Athens 1995
    10. the position, 4 100 meters. Mixed Team, Winter Championship, Athens 1995
    11. the position 50. Elefthero, Athens 1994
    12. the position, 4 100 meters. Elefthero, Athens 1994
    13. the position, 4 100 meters. Mixed Team, Athens 1994


8.5. Panhellenic Weightlifting Wins    

    1. the gap, Men, Athens 20 11
    2. the position Qualifier Men Athens 2011
    3. the position Qualifier Men Athens 2010
    4. the position Qualifier Men Athens 2006
    5. the position, Teenage, Kos 2003
    6. 10 the position, Men, Athens 2002
    7. the position, Teenage, Aridea 2002
    8. the position, Teenage, Athens 2000
    9. the position, Children, Athens 2000
    10. the position, Children, Thessaloniki 1999
    11. 10 the position, Men, Athens 1998
    12. the position, Children, Athens 1998


8.6. International Weightlifting Discrimination    

    1. the position, handpicked Games, Athens 2002
    2. the position Kakoussis-Tofalos, Greece 2002
    3. the position, European School Championships, Greece 2001
    4. 10 the position Kakoussis-Tofalos, Greece 2001
    5. 10 the position, handpicked Games, Athens 2000
    6. 10 the position Kakoussis-Tofalos, Greece 2000


9. Teaching Experience       

    1. Power Sports (Powerlifting, Arm lifting, Mas Wrestling, Strongman, Strict Curl, Stick Pulling, Tug of War, Bodybuilding and Fitness, Progressive Studies University, Thessaloniki 2020 – today 
    2. Power lifting, Special Olympics Greece Athens 2008- today
    3. Weightlifting, AGS Iraklis Ag. Anargyron, Athens 2007-08
    4. Shaolin Kung Fu , DP the Road of Energy, Piraeus 2007-08
    5. Weightlifting, Hermes Piraeus, Piraeus 2007
    6. Weightlifting, G.A.S. Pegasus of Korydallos, Piraeus 2006-10
    7. Football, Parish Team of Agios Dimitrios Piraeus, Piraeus 2005- 06
    8. Swimming-Gymnastics, Α.Τ.Ε., Loutraki, 2004
    9. Weightlifting, Hermes Piraeus, Piraeus 2004
    10. The National Children’s Rescue Group, Piraeus 2004-08
    11. Swimming-Gymnastics, Α.Τ.Ε., Loutraki, 2003
    12. Lifeguard Pool and Waterpark , Papastratio, Piraeus 2003-08


10. Honorary Awards – Distinctions   

  1.       raveio ‘decorum 2017’  Association for International Media Correspondents Greece , Greece 201 7
  2.       ‘The Most Referee Titles in Many Sports is 50′, Assist World Records, Greece 201 7
  3.       ‘Most Referee Titles in Many Sports is 36’, Guinness World Records, Greece 2014
  4.       ‘Most Referee Titles in Many Sports is 34’, Guinness World Records, Greece 2014
  5.       ‘Most Referee Titles in Many Sports is 31’, Guinness World Records, Greece 2013
  6.       ‘Most Sports Referee Titles are 29’, Guinness World Records, Greece 2012
  7.       ‘Most Referee Titles in Many Sports is 27’, Guinness World Records, Greece 2012
  8.       ‘Most Referee Titles in Many Sports is 25’, Guinness World Records, Greece 2012
  9.       ‘Most Referee Titles in Many Sports is 21’, Guinness World Records , Greece 2011
  10.    ‘Most Referee Titles in Many Sports is 20’, Guinness World Records , Greece 2011
  11.    ‘Most Sports Referee Titles are 16’, Guinness World Records , Greece 2010
  12.    ‘Most Sports Referee Titles are 13’, Guinness World Records , Greece 2010
  13.    Commemorative diploma for the valuable offer at the XPC World Powerlifting Cu , Poland 29 / 11-01 / 12/2019
  14.    Diploma for the participation as a volunteer in one the Race Sport Lifeguard & Conference Aquatics, Physical Education and Sport Faculties , Athens 2019
  15.    Commemorative commendation for the constant presence & participation in International-Panhellenic Games as a judge of the ESDT for 2018, Hellenic Dynamic Triathlon Association, Athens 2018
  16.    Commemorative diploma for the participation as International Judge in 13 the IBSA World Powerlifting Bench Press Championship International Blind Sport ssociation Egypt 2018
  17.    Commemorative plaque for the valuable contribution to the holding of the Panhellenic Handball Championship, Hellenic Handball Federation, Athens 2018
  18.    Commemorative Medal for participation as Chairman Board Games at 30 Panhellenic Games Kidney & Transplant FFM – Sports Federation Kidney & Transplant, Athens 2018
  19.    Commemorative medal for the participation of 1 st Voluntary Blood Donation for Children with Special abilities and disabilities, Hellenic Association of Friends of Children with Special Abilities SOS KIDS SHINE, Lamia 201 7
  20.    Commemorative medal for participation as Head of Games-Head of Sport, Panhellenic Games Powerlifting Special Olympics Special Olympics Greece-Hellenic Dynamic Triathlon Association, Athens 201 7
  21.    Commemorative Medal for participation as Director of Games at 2 Panhellenic Games dialysis and Transplant, FFM – Panellinios Athletic Club Transplant Runner , Athens 2017
  22.    Commemorative Medal for participation as a volunteer in 7 the Poseidonio Half Marathon Race & Parallel Games, Municipality II. Faliron, Athens 2016
  23.    Commemorative commendation for the offer and support in the Hellenic Kettlebell Challenge II Dynamo Kettlebells , Athens 2016
  24.    Commemorative medal for participation as Head of Games-Head of Sport, Panhellenic Dynamic Weightlifting Games Special Olympics Special Olympics Greece-Hellenic Dynamic Triathlon Association, Athens 2016
  25.    Commemorative Medal for participation as Games Director at 28 Panhellenic Games dialysis and Transplant, FFM – exercisers Kidney Association, Athens 2016
  26.    Commemorative commendation for the offer and support to the Athletic Club of Atlanta Agia Varvara (Dynamic Triathlon department), Athens 2015
  27.    Diploma for participation as a volunteer in five the Race Greece Race for the Cure , Panhellenic Association of Women with Breast Cancer “Alma Zois”, Athens 2015
  28.    Commemorative Medal for participation as Games Director at 27 Panhellenic Games dialysis and Transplant, FFM – Panellinios Athletic Club Transplant Runner , Athens 2015
  29.    Commemorative Medal for participation as accompanist-coach in four the Race ‘ Kallithea Run ‘, Municipality of Kallithea, Athens 2015
  30.    Commemorative Medal for participation as accompanist-coach route to Special Olympics Hellas in 31 the Classic Marathon of Athens Road Races 10 & 5 km. &, Athletics Federation, Athens 2014
  31.    Diploma for participation as a volunteer in 4 the Road Race Greece Race for the Cure , Panhellenic Association of Women with Breast Cancer “Alma Zois”, Athens 2014
  32.    Commemorative Medal for participation as accompanist-coach route to Special Olympics Hellas to 3 the Half Marathon Athens Road Race 5 & 3 km., Segas, Athens 2014
  33.    Commemorative Medal for participation as a volunteer in five the Poseidonio Half Marathon Race & Parallel Games, Municipality II. Faliron, Athens 2014
  34.    Commemorative Medal for participation as accompanist-coach in three the Race ‘ Kallithea Run ‘, Municipality of Kallithea, Athens 2014 
  35.    Commemorative Medal for participation as Games Director at 26 Panhellenic Games dialysis and Transplant, FFM – exercisers Kidney Association, Athens 2014
  36.    Commemorative diploma for participating as a volunteer in the World Snow Day, Hellenic Ski Federation, Parnassos 2014
  37.    Commemorative Medal for participation as accompanist-coach route to Special Olympics Hellas in 31 the Classic Marathon of Athens Road Races 10 & 5 km. &, Athletics Federation, Athens 2013
  38.    Commemorative Medal for participation as a volunteer in the 27 the Vartzakeio Health Street, Piraeus Health Runners Club, Athens 2013
  39.    Commemorative plaque for participating as a Referee in the Golden League Football Tournament Golden Team , Athens 2013
  40.    Commemorative medal for participating as a volunteer in the ” The Corporate Relay Run “, Corporate Promotions , Athens 2013
  41.    Commemorative Medal for participation as a volunteer in 4 the Poseidonio Half Marathon Race & Parallel Games, Municipality II. Faliron, Athens 2013
  42.    Commemorative Medal for participation as a Referee in the Final 8 th Cup 5 5 College BCA Libero – BCA , Athens 2013
  43.    Diploma for participation as a volunteer in three the National Program “Olympic Education Day” entitled “first Modern Olympic Games Athens 6 -15 April 1896 … Athens April 12, 2013,” National Olympic Academy of Greece, Athens 2013     
  44.    Commemorative Medal for participation as a volunteer in Athens Half Marathon (Race Disabled – Hellas ), Athletics Federation – OPANDA, Athens 2013
  45.    Commemorative diploma for participating as a volunteer in the 3 on Basketball Tournament ‘ Come out and Play ‘, FIBA – Amyntas Dafnis, Athens 2012
  46.    Commemorative diploma for participating as a volunteer in the Chess Festival ” Chessnale Athens 2012″, Hellenic Chess Federation, Athens 2012
  47.    Diploma for participation as a volunteer at Student Games Athletics’ Mathitiada 2012 “Municipality II. Faliro Sports Club-P. Faliron, Athens 2012
  48.    Commemorative Medal for participation as accompanist-coach in Path Special Olympics Hellas in 30 the Classic Marathon of Athens Road Races 10 & 5 km. &, Athletics Federation, Athens 2012
  49.    Commemorative Medal for participation as a judge in 26 the Vartzakeio Health Street, Piraeus Health Runners Club, Athens 2012
  50.    Diploma for participation as a judge at the 7 the Athletics Day for Disabled Mousikokinitiko Workshop D. Agia Paraskevi, Athens 2012
  51.    Commemorative diploma for the participation as support staff in the Lifeguard Memory and Honor Conference of Yesterday and Today, ESDY-EES-EOUDA- ISHOF Athens 2012 
  52.    Diploma for participation as a volunteer in 4 the Road Race Greece Race for the Cure , Panhellenic Association of Women with Breast Cancer “Alma Zois”, Athens 2012
  53.    Commemorative Medal for participation in the Voluntary Program; 2 the Race Rematia Halandri ‘, Municipality of Halandri, Athens 2012
  54.    Commemorative plaque for participation as a judge 15 the World Weightlifting Championships shooter Marine, Greek Federation of Underwater Activities Sport Fisheries, FIPS – Amynteo 2012
  55.    Diploma for participation as a volunteer in the European Junior Taekwondo Championships, European Union-Greek Taekwondo Federation Taekwondo-Municipality of Athens, Athens 2012 
  56.    Commemorative diploma for participation as a judge in the Panhellenic Apnea Championship, Hellenic Federation of Underwater Activity-Fisheries, Athens 2012
  57.    Commemorative Medal for participation as a volunteer in one the Acropolis Half Marathon – Athens Run , Municipality of Athens – Athletics Federation, Athens 2012
  58.    Commemorative diploma for participating as a volunteer in the International Professional Men’s Tennis Tournament ‘Status Athens Open’, Hellenic Tennis Sports Federation, Athens 2012
  59.    Commemorative Medal for participation as a volunteer in three the Poseidonio Half Marathon Race, P. Municipality. Faliro, Athens 2012
  60.    Diploma for participation as a volunteer in one the Race ‘Running in Kallithea- Kallithea Run ‘, Municipality of Kallithea – EAS Athletics Federation Piraeus, Athens 2012
  61.    Diploma for participation as a volunteer 29 in the Classic Athens Marathon and Road Races 10 & 5 km., Segas, Athens 2011
  62.    Commemorative medal for participation as a judge in the Development Competition for Biathlon for small categories, Hellenic Triathlon Federation, Athens 2011
  63.    Commemorative plaque for the participation as a Judge in the Intercollegiate Race of Sport Fishing with Sliding Cork from Port Facilities, Academy of Sport Activities of Salamina, Athens 2011
  64.    Commemorative diploma for the participation in the official Volunteering Program 2011 of EPO. entitled ‘NATIONAL VOLUNTEER TEAM’, Hellenic Football Federation, Athens 2011
  65.    Diploma for participation in the Voluntary Program ‘one the Race Rematia Halandri’, Municipality of Halandri and Greek Olympic Committee, Athens 2011
  66.    Diploma for participation in 28 the Round Athens, Municipality of Athens, Athens 2011
  67.    Commemorative plaque for the participation as a Referee in the Final Cup of the Salas Soccer Youth Cup, Panhellenic Association of Salas Football Clubs 2010-11, Athens 2011
  68.    Diploma-medal for participation as a volunteer in the 28 the Classic Athens Marathon and Road Races 10 & 5 km., Segas, Athens 2010
  69.    Commemorative plaque for the participation as a Referee in the Grand Final Junior ‘ of the Panhellenic Football-Indoor Championship (5 5) 2008-09, EPO, Athens 2010
  70.    Diploma for participation in 27 the Athens Round, Municipality of Athens, Athens 2010
  71.    Commemorative diploma for participating as a volunteer in the International Professional Women’s Tennis Tournament ‘ Vogue Athens Open ‘, Hellenic Tennis Sports Federation, Athens 2008
  72.    Diploma for participation as a Referee, Secretary, Timekeeper 20 the National Championship Sport Climbing, Greek Federation of Mountaineering-Climbing, Athens 2009
  73.    Commemorative plaque for the participation as a Referee in the Grand Final of the Men’s 2nd category of the Panhellenic Football-Indoor Championship (5 5) 2008-09, EPO, Athens 2009
  74.    Commemorative diploma for the participation in the Sports Summer Camp , Sports Organization of the Municipality of Ag. Friday, Athens 2009
  75.    Diploma for participation as a volunteer at 43 International Children’s Games Olympic Sports ( International Children ‘ Games ), Municipality of Athens, Athens 2009
  76.    Commemorative medal for the participation as Volunteer Manager of the Panhellenic Football-Rhythmic- Badminton Games Special Olympics Hellas , Thessaloniki 2009
  77.    Commemorative plaque for participation as a Referee Grand Final Junior ‘ Panhellenic Cup-Salas (5 5) 2008-09, EPO, Athens 2009
  78.    Commemorative plaque for the participation as a Referee in the Small Final Junior ‘ of the Panhellenic Football-Indoor Championship (5 5) 2008-09, EPO, Athens 2009
  79.    Commemorative plaque for the participation as a Referee in the Grand Final of the Children of the Football-Indoor Cup (5 5) 2008-09, EPO, Sofiko-Korinthias 2009
  80.    Plaque for participation as Referee Grand Final Junior ‘ Cup Soccer-Salas (5 5) 2008-09, AET, Sofiko-Corinth 2009
  81.    Commemorative diploma for participating as a volunteer in the International Professional Men’s Tennis Tournament ‘ Status Athens Open ‘, Hellenic Tennis Sports Federation, Athens 2009
  82.    Commemorative Souvenir for participation in the Gala of the Annunciation and the National Day 25 th March with the Traditional Dance Group of LN Transfiguration, Holy Metropolis of Piraeus, Athens 2009
  83.    Diploma for participation as a volunteer at 7 the Championship Volleyball Gymnasiums, Sports Organization Municipality Ag. Friday, Athens 2009 
  84.    Diploma for participation as a volunteer 26 in the Classic Athens Marathon and Road Races 10 & 5 km., Segas, Athens 2008
  85.    Commemorative diploma for participating as a volunteer in the International Professional Women’s Tennis Tournament ‘ Vogue Athens Open ‘, Hellenic Tennis Sports Federation, Athens 2008
  86.    Commemorative diploma for lifeguard services at the Asimakopoulos Camps for the A ‘, B’, C ‘period, Athens 2008
  87.    Commemorative plaque for the participation as a Referee in the Final Cup of the Indoor Football Cup 2007-08, EPO, Athens 2008
  88.    Futsal Hellas Commemorative Award ” Dimitri Nikolaou ” for participating as a Referee in the Men’s Indoor Soccer Cup Final 2007-08, Futsal Hellas , Athens 2008
  89.    Diploma for participation in 25 the Athens Round, Municipality of Athens, Athens 2008
  90.    Commemorative diploma for participating as a volunteer in the International Professional Men’s Tennis Tournament ‘ Status Athens Open ‘, Hellenic Tennis Sports Federation, Athens 2008
  91.    Diploma for participation as a judge at 9 the National Championship Wushu – Kung Fu Greek Federation of Wushu – Kung Fu, Athens 2008
  92.    Diploma for participation as organizer in one the People’s bumpy roads of the City Redi, DEPAR – Athletics Federation, Athens 2007
  93.    Diploma for participation as a volunteer in the 25 the Classic Marathon of Athens &
  94.    10 & 5 km Road Races, SEGAS, Athens 2007
  95.    Commemorative plaque for the participation as an Assistant Referee in the friendly match between the Men’s A & B Men’s Champions Teams of the Panhellenic Football-Indoor Championship (5 5) 2006-07, EPO, Athens 2007
  96.    Commemorative diploma for participating as a volunteer in the UEFA Champions League Athens Final 2007, UEFA – EPO, Athens 2007
  97.    Commemorative diploma for participating as a volunteer Euroleague Basketball Final Four Athens 2007, Municipality of Athens, Athens 2007
  98.    Commemorative diploma for the participation in the Final Event of Sports Programs ‘Exercise for All’, Municipal Enterprise of Culture & Sports Renti, Athens 2007
  99.    Certificate of ‘Thanks’ for Invaluable Help & Support, Swimming Teachers’ Association, England 2007
  100. Commemorative plaque for the participation as an Assistant Referee in the Grand Final of the Panhellenic Football-Indoor Championship (5 5) 2006-07, EPO, Athens 2007
  101. Diploma for participation in 24 the Athens Round, Municipality of Athens, Athens 2007
  102. Commemorative medal for the participation as a Referee in the Panhellenic Football Championship 5 5 people with disabilities, Thessaloniki 2007
  103. Diploma for participation as a volunteer in the 24 the Classic Athens Marathon and Road Races 10 & 5 km., Segas, Athens 2006
  104. Commemorative diploma for lifeguard services at the Water Park Water Fun , Corinth 2006
  105. Commemorative diploma for the participation in the demonstration of heavy sports & martial arts competitions in the sport of Weightlifting in the cultural events of the Municipality of Amfissa “Fokika 2006”, Municipality of Amfissa, Amfissa 2006
  106. Commemorative medal for participating in the heavyweight & martial arts competition in the sport of Weightlifting in Naval Week 2006, Navy and Coast Guard, Itea 2006
  107. Commemorative diploma for the participation as a volunteer in the World High School 2006 ISF , Ministry of National Education & Religions – Ministry of Sports, Athens 2006
  108. Scholarship of the Foundation of State Scholarships (IKY), in the year 2003-04 as a student of TEFAA Athens, Athens 2004
  109. commemorative-honorary diploma of voluntary offer-participation in the Paralympic Games “Athens 2004”, Athens 2004
  110. Commemorative-honorary diploma of voluntary offer-participation in the Olympic Games “Athens 2004”, Athens 2004
  111. Commemorative souvenir for the participation in the 1st Student-Cultural Meeting of the Municipality of Piraeus, Association of Parents & Guardians of the Municipality of Piraeus, Piraeus 2004
  112. Award ‘ Waterfront Lifeguard of the Year’, European Lifeguard Academy Athens 2004
  113. ‘ Friend of the Academy’ Award European Lifeguard Academy Athens 2004
  114. Commemorative medal for participation as a Referee in the Playoffs of the Panhellenic Football-Indoor Championship (5 * 5) Children-Boys, EPO, Athens 2004
  115. Commemorative plaque for the participation as Assistant Referee in the Grand Final of the Panhellenic Football-Indoor Championship (5 5) 2003-04, EPO, Athens 2004
  116. Praise for the participation as a member in the Youth Department of the Holy Temple of St. Dimitriou Piraeus, Athens 2004
  117. Diploma of voluntary offer for the participation in the Weightlifting Test Event & International Weightlifting Tournament “Tofalos-Kakousis”, Athens 2003
  118. Commemorative medal for participating as a Referee in the ” Five on Five ” Tournament by Mantzios , Athens 2004
  119. Praise for the participation as a member in the Youth Department of the Holy Temple of St. Dimitriou Piraeus, Athens 2003
  120. Praise for the participation as a member in the Youth Department of the Holy Temple of St. Dimitriou Piraeus, Athens 2002
  121. Praise for the participation in the Weightlifting competitions, “Protypeia Flya ’98”, Chalandri 7/27/1998
  122. Commemorative cup for the Panhellenic distinctions in Swimming with the team of GNO Nikaia during the year 1997, Nikaia 31/01/1998
  123. Commemorative plaque for the Panhellenic distinctions in Swimming with the team of GNO Nikaia during the year 1996, Nikaia 25/01/1997
  124. Commemorative cup for the Panhellenic distinctions in Swimming with the team of GNO Nikaia during the year 1996, Nikaia 23/02/1997
  125. Praise for participating in the swimming competitions, Ionideia 1995
  126. Praise for the participation in the religious feast of the Epiphanies, EAK Nikaia ‘Platon’, 06/01/1995
  127. Commemorative souvenir, B ‘Panionia, 10/11/1993
  128. Praise for the participation in the swimming competitions, NE Vouliagmeni, 23/06/1993
  129. Praise for the participation in the swimming games, Olympiakos SFP, 23/01/1993
  130. Praise for participating in the swimming competitions, Ionideia 1993
  131. Praise for the participation in the swimming competitions, AO Kifissia, Kifissia 10/05/1992
  132. Praise for the participation in the swimming games, Olympiakos SFP, 25-26 / 01/1992


11. Previous service – Experience   

    1. Greek localization / tranlator in powerlifting meet software OpenLifter 1.2, OpenPowerlifting, Αθήνα 2020
    2. Member of the Handball Steering Committee of the Hellenic Wrestling Federation, Athens 2020
    3. ice Chairman of the International Education Committee of the World Power Sport Federation, GR 2020-today
    4. Manager Games WSWCF / ISF Hellenic Street Workout-Streetlifting Championship Greek Association Resource Triathlon Athens 30/06/2019
    5. Manager Games WRPF WEPF European Powerlifting Festival Hellenic Powerlifting Championship Greek Association Resource Triathlon Athens 03-05 / 05/2019
    6. Manager Games WAF WSF Hellenic Armlifting – Traditional Stick Pulling Championship Greek Association Resource Triathlon Athens 04/14/2019
    7. Head Coach of the Greek Powerlifting team at the Special Olympics World Games with the harvest of 12 medals, Abu Dhabi – UAE 201 9
    8. Speaker of the Seminar of National Judges Armlifting WAF APL WAA , Hellenic Dynamic Triathlon Association, Athens 03/03/2019
    9. WAF / APL / WAA Certified Armlifting Referee Level 1, World Armlifting Federation – Armlifting Professional league – World Armlifting Association – Greek Association Resource Triathlon Athens 2019
    10. Manager Games WSWCF ISF Hellenic Street Workout – Streetlifting Cup Greek Association Resource Triathlon Athens 16/12/2018
    11. Manager Games GPA IPO Hellenic Powerlifting League – Greek Qualifier – Arnold Sports Festival 2019 Greek Association Resource Triathlon Athens 01-02 / 12/2018
    12. Manager Games WRPF WEPF Hellenic Powerlifting Championship – Open Challenge Greek Association Resource Triathlon Athens 04-06 / 05/2018
    13. Speaker S. eminariou -national Judging Powerlifting WRPF WEPF , Greek Association Resource triathlon, Athens 15 /0 /201 8
    14. Manager Games WSWCF ISF WAF Hellenic Street Workout – Streetlifting – Armlifting Championship Greek Association Resource Triathlon Athens 01/04/2018
    15. Race committee president at 30 Panhellenic Games Kidney & Transplant (swimming, bowling, biking, classic sports, table tennis), FFM – Sports Federation Kidney Transplant , Athens 201 8
    16. Manager Games RPS IMWF Tromaras Strength Challenge Hellenic Mas – Wrestling Championships Greek Association Resource Triathlon Athens 02/11/2018
    17. GPA International Special Powerlifters Chairman / Director, Global Powerlifting Alliance, US 2018- today
    18. General Secretary International Federation Streetlifting Eng Group 2018 – today
    19. Manager Games WSWCF ISF Hellenic Street Workout – Streetlifting Cup Greek Association Resource Triathlon Athens 03/12/2017
    20. IPL Hellenic Powerlifting League Games Director , Hellenic Dynamic Triathlon Association, Athens 25-26 / 11/2017
    21. Manager Games WSWCF Street Workout National Championship of Greece – Hellenic Street Workout Games , Greek Force Triathlon Association, Athens 25/06/2017
    22. Member of the Central Committee of Referees- Judges in the Hellenic Federation of Modern Pentathlon member of the Technical Committee of Judges Rugby League, Athens 2017
    23. Observer Match – Arbitration , 1 st International Rugby League XIII Cup Greek Federation of Modern Pentathlon – industry Rugby League World Confederation of Rugby League Federations Athens 05/21/2017
    24. Manager Games Greek Power Festival European and Hellenic Powerlifting Championships Pan Hellenic Games Special Olympics Powerlifting ), Greek Association Resource Triathlon Athens 05-07 / 05/2017
    25. Competition Manager at 29 Panhellenic Games dialysis and Transplant (swimming, bowling, biking, classic sports, table tennis), FFM – Panellinios Athletic Club Transplant Runner , Athens 2017
    26. Manager Games RPS XPC IPSU Rhodes Powerlifting Challenge , Greek Force Triathlon Association, Rhodes 02/05/2017
    27. Lecturer of the School of National Judges of Dynamic Triathlon GPA, Hellenic Association of Dynamic Triathlon, Rhodes 04/02/2017
    28. Technical Advisor of the Rugby League committee in the Hellenic Federation of Modern Pentathlon, Athens 2016
    29. IPL Hellenic Powerlifting League Games Director , Hellenic Dynamic Triathlon Association, Athens 19-20 / 11/2016
    30. Competition Manager of the 3rd phase Half marathon race with Kettlebell of the Ultimate Girevik Cup of the International Kettlebell Marathon Federation, Dynamo Kettlebells, Athens 30/10/2016
    31. General Secretary International Powerlifting League (IPL Europe Board) , Eng Group 2016- today
    32. Director Games International and Hellenic Powerlifting Championships, Greek Association Resource Triathlon Athens 21-22 / 05/2016
    33. Tennis Superintendent – member of the Technical Committee of the Panhellenic Games Special Olympics Special Olympics Hellas Loutraki 18-22 / 04/2016
    34. Lecturer at the National & International Judges Powerlifting GPA Seminar , Hellenic Dynamic Triathlon Association, Athens 17/04/2016
    35. Hellenic Challenge GPA IPO Powerlifting and Kettlebell Games Director Hellenic Dynamic Triathlon Association Athens 19-20 / 03/2016
    36. Games Director -Head of Sports, Panhellenic Dynamic Weightlifting Games Special Olympics Special Olympics Hellas-Hellenic Dynamic Triathlon Association, Athens 2016
    37. Competition Manager at 28 Panhellenic Games dialysis and Transplant (swimming, bowling, biking, classic sports, table tennis), FFM – exercisers Kidney Association, Athens 2016
    38. Director of Kettlebell IKLF Critics Seminar – IKMF Dynamo Kettlebell Club , Athens 13/02/2016
    39. Manager Games RPS Evia Powerlifting Battle , Greek Force Triathlon Club, Chalkida 07.02.2016
    40. Manager Games IPL Hellenic Squat League & Competition Pressure bench with repetitions, Greek Association Resource Triathlon, Athens 12/13/2015
    41. IPL Hellenic Benchpress League Games Director , Hellenic Dynamic Triathlon Association, Athens 06/12/2015
    42. Manager Games IPL Hellenic Deadlift Cup , Greek Force Triathlon Association, Athens 11/24/2015
    43. Chairman of the Appointment of Referees and member of the Disciplinary Committee, Hellenic Rugby League, Athens 2015-2016
    44. Head Coach of the Greek Weightlifting Team at the Special Olympics World Games with the harvest of 24 medals, Los Angeles – USA 2015
    45. EORL Representative at the European Conference-General Assembly of the European Rugby League, Belgrade-Serbia 03-05 / 07/2015
    46. Director of the IAF Handball Referees Seminar , Hellenic Dynamic Triathlon Association – IAF Greece , Athens 27/06/2015
    47. Hellenic Grand Prix GPA IPO Powerlifting and Kettlebell Games Director , Hellenic Dynamic Triathlon Association, Athens 23-24 / 05/2015
    48. Director of the Powerlifting GPA Critics Seminar , Hellenic Dynamic Triathlon Association, Athens 23/05/2015
    49. Director of Kettlebell IKLF Critics Seminar Dynamo Kettlebell Club , Athens 17/05/2015
    50. Competition Manager at 27 Panhellenic Games dialysis and Transplant (swimming, bowling, classic sports, table tennis), FFM – Panellinios Athletic Club Transplant Runner, Athens 2015
    51. Hellenic Challenge WDFPF Powerlifting and Kettlebell Games Director , Hellenic Dynamic Triathlon Association, Athens 22/03/2015
    52. Director of WDFPF Powerlifting Judges Seminar , Hellenic Dynamic Triathlon Association, Athens 21/03/2015
    53. Manager Games Athletic Event Strongman – Powerlifting – Tug of War , Greek Force Triathlon Association, Amarynthos Euboea 15/03/2015
    54. GPA Powerlifting Games Director , Hellenic Dynamic Triathlon Association, Athens 12/21/2014
    55. GPA / IPO Technical Officer in Greece , Global Powerlifting Alliance & International Powerlifting Organization, Greece 21/10/2014
    56. Member of the Executive Committee in the Final Four of the European Basketball Week, Special Olympics Greece, Rhodes 2014
    57. Chairman of the Disciplinary Committee, Chairman of the Referee Appointment Committee and member of the Championship Committee, Hellenic Rugby League, Athens 2014-2015
    58. Judge of the Hellenic Federation of Underwater Activity, Athens 2014-present
    59. Lifeguard by the Sea during the A ‘, B’, C ‘period in the children’s camps of the Foundation’ Hellenic Police Fields’, Athens 2014
    60. Competition Manager at 26 Panhellenic Games dialysis and Transplant (swimming, bowling, classic sports, table tennis), FFM – exercisers Kidney Association, Athens 2014
    61. Games Director -Head Coach, Dynamic Weightlifting Games in the framework of the UNIFY Special Olympics Program Special Olympics Hellas, Athens 2014
    62. Special Agent-Security-Dasosis- Lifesaving First Aid, 4 the National Action Great Explorers’ HOPE 2013 “, Scouts, Velvento Kozani 2013
    63. Coordinator, Music-Kinetic Weightlifting Demonstration-Cutting New Year’s Pie of Sport, Special Olympics Hellas, Athens 2013
    64. Mystery Shopping, International Service Check, Athens 2013
    65. Games Director , Panhellenic Weightlifting Games Special Olympics Hellas, Athens 2012
    66. Volunteer Internet Reviewer of the 4th Panhellenic Internet Student Competition on “Create Digitally, Build a Website , Become Ambassadors of Your Country”, Scientific Association of Primary School Teachers for the Dissemination of ICT. in Education, Athens 2012
    67. Coordinator, Athletic Weightlifting Day-Cutting New Year’s Pie of Sport, Special Olympics Hellas, Athens 2012
    68. Pool lifeguard at the Panhellenic Underwater Shooting Championship, GLAFKOS – Hellenic Federation of Underwater Activity & Sport Fishing, Athens 2012
    69. Club Weightlifting Coach Powerlifting at the Prefectural Sports Club A. with A. ‘Tyrtaios’, Athens 01/11/2011
    70. Volunteer Internet Reviewer of the 3rd Panhellenic Internet Student Competition on “Create Digitally, Build a Website , Become Ambassadors of Your Country”, Scientific Association of Primary School Teachers for the Dissemination of ICT. in Education, Athens 2011
    71. Sea lifeguard during the A ‘, B period in the children’s camps of the Foundation’ Hellenic Police Outskirts’, Athens 2011
    72. Head Coach of the Greek Weightlifting Team at the Special Olympics World Games with the harvest of 39 medals, Greece 2011
    73. Volunteer Internet Judge 2 nd Panhellenic Online Student Competition on “Create Digital, Build a Website , Become Ambassadors Your Site” ,, Scientific Union of Primary Education for the Dissemination of ICT in Education, Athens 2010
    74. Head Coach of the Greek Weightlifting Team at the Pan-European Special Olympics Games with a Harvest of 17 Medals, Poland 2010
    75. Supervisor of Diploma SA, Athens 2010-present
    76. Pool-Sea Lifeguard & Common Leader during the 1st period at the Delphi Camp children’s camp , Galaxidi 2010
    77. Hourly Professor of Physical Education, Primary Education (23 Day Primary School of Piraeus) Athens 2009-10
    78. Special Guard of the Greek Police, Athens 2008-present
    79. Chief Weightlifting Coach at Special Olympics Hellas (People with Mental Retardation), Athens 2008-present
    80. Pool lifeguard during the A ‘, BD, C’ period in the children’s camps Asimakopoulos (The child’s nest & The child’s paradise), Athens 2008
    81. Associate Professor of Physical Education, Secondary Education (Aspropyrgos Sports High School) Athens 2007-08
    82. Supervisor of the computer company Telefos Ltd., Athens 2008-2011
    83. Supervisor of the PC operator Keycert SA, Athens 2007-2011
    84. Supervisor of the PC operator – Skills SA, Athens 2007-2011
    85. Responsible for Volunteers at the Panhellenic Football-Rhythmic- Badminton Games Special Olympics Hellas , Thessaloniki 2009
    86. Club Weightlifting Coach at AGS Iraklis Ag. Anargyron, Athens 2007-08
    87. Coach-Coach Wushu – Kung Fu , DP the Road of Energy, Athens 2007-08
    88. External Affairs Officer (Receiving gas meter readings), Alpha Powertec SA , Athens 2007
    89. Hourly Paid Physical Education Teacher in Mass Sports Programs Sports for All-Sports & Women, Municipal Enterprise of Culture & Sports Renti, Athens 22 / 01-02 / 02/2007, 15/10 / 2007-04 / 06/2008, 15/09 2008-24 / 10/2008
    90. Supervisor of the computer organization Infotest , Athens 2007-2011
    91. Supervisor of the computer company ACTA SA Technoblastos AUTh, Athens 2007-2011
    92. Supervisor of the Vellum Global Educational Services PC , Athens 2007-present
    93. Club Weightlifting Coach at AS Hermes Piraeus, Athens 2007
    94. Club Weightlifting Coach at G.A.S. Pegasus Korydallos, Athens 12/6 / 2006-31 / 12/2010
    95. Research Associate, European Lifeguard Academy , 16/01/2006-present
    96. Partial Manager of Food-Beverage Service, Special Supply Center for Army Units-General Staff, Athens 2006
    97. Lifeguard Waterpark , Isthmus Water Recreation Park SA, Corinth 2006
    98. Pool / Lagoon Lifeguard & Gymnast during the 2nd season at the children’s camp of the Agricultural Bank of Greece, Loutraki 2004
    99. Two-month Weightlifting Teaching at AS Hermes Piraeus in collaboration with T.E.F.A.A. Athens, Athens 09 / 02-09 / 04/2004
    100. Pool-Lagoon Lifeguard & Gymnast during the 2nd period at the children’s camp of the Agricultural Bank of Greece, Loutraki 2003
    101. Team Leader-Gymnast during the 3rd period at the summer camp Summer Fun , Kechries 2002
    102. Team Leader-Gymnast during the First Season at the Ranch Skouras Children’s Camp , Ranch 2002


12. Social Work   

    1. Support Staff, World Veterans Wrestling Championship, Hellenic Wrestling Fans Federation – United World Wrestling , Athens 2015
    2. Support Staff, Coach Seminar, Sports Lifeguard Judges-Timers, Hellenic Federation of Underwater Activity & Fisheries Athens 2014
    3. Support Staff, World Snow Day, Hellenic Parnassos Ski Federation 2014
    4. Supporting Staff Race Relay «The Corporate Relay Run», Corporate Promotions, Athens 2013 
    5. Supporting Staff, 3 the National Program “Olympic Education Day” entitled “first Modern Olympic Games Athens 6 -15 April 1896 … Athens April 12, 2013,” National Olympic Academy of Greece, Athens 2013     
    6. Supporting People, 1 the European Championship Taekwondo Associations, European Union-Greek Taekwondo Federation Taekwondo, Athens 2013 
    7. Support Staff, on Basketball Tournament ‘ Come out and Play ‘, FIBA – Amyntas Dafnis, Athens 2012
    8. Support Staff, Chess Festival ” Chessnale Athens 2012″, Hellenic Chess Federation, Athens 2012
    9. Supporting Staff, 7 the Student Games Athletics’ Mathitiada 2012 “Municipality II. Faliro Sports Club-P. Faliron, Athens 2012
    10. Supporting Staff, 26 , 27 Vartzakeio Health Street, Piraeus Health Runners Club, Athens 2012, 2013
    11. Support Staff, Lifeguard Memory and Honor Conference of Yesterday and Today, ESDY-EES-EOUDA- ISHOF , Athens 2012
    12. Supporting Staff, 2 nd , 4 th , 5 th Race Greece Race for the Cure , Panhellenic Association of Women with Breast Cancer “Alma Zois, Athens 2012.2014, 2015
    13. Supporting Staff, 3 the European Junior Taekwondo Championships, European Union-Greek Taekwondo Federation Taekwondo-Municipality of Athens, Athens 2012 
    14. Support Staff, 1st Acropolis Half Marathon – Athens Run , Municipality of Athens – SEGAS, Athens 2012, 2015
    15. Support Staff, 3rd 4th 5th 7th Poseidoni Half Marathon Road Race, Municipality of P. Faliro, Athens 2012,2013,2014,2016
    16. Support Staff, 1st Road Race ‘Running in Kallithea- Kallithea Run’, Municipality of Kallithea – EAS SEGAS Piraeus, Athens 2012
    17. Support Staff, Friendly Football Match of National Men’s Teams of Greece – Russia, Hellenic Football Federation, Athens 2011
    18. Support Staff, 1st 2nd Road Race Rematia Chalandri, Municipality of Chalandri, Athens 2011, 2012
    19. Support Staff, Football Match Qualifying Phase of the European Championship 2012 of the Men’s National Teams of Greece – Malta, Hellenic Football Federation, Athens 2011
    20. Support Staff, Friendly Football Match of National Men’s Teams of Greece – Poland, Hellenic Football Federation, Athens 2011
    21. Supporting Staff, 43 the International Gas Olympics sports (I nternational Children ‘ Games ), Athens 2009
    22. Tennis Support Staff, Vogue Athens Open , Athens 2008,2009
    23. Tennis Support Staff, Status Athens Open , Athens 2008,2009,2010,2012
    24. Support Staff UEFA Champions League Athens Final, Athens 2007
    25. Support Staff Euroleague Basketball Final Four Athens Athens 2007
    26. Supporting Staff 23 , 24 , 25 , 26 , 27 , 28 , 29 , 30 , 32 the Classic Marathon of Athens & Races 10 & 5 km., Athens 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014
    27. Support Staff at Beach Volley Swatch FIVB Women’s World Circuit Tournament 2006- Athens Infote Open , Athens 30 / 5-02 / 6/2006
    28. First Assistant Coach in Football, Parish Team of Agios Dimitrios Piraeus, Piraeus 2005-2006
    29. Assistant for Training and Competition Weightlifting, Paralympic Games “Athens 2004”, Nice 20-27 / 09/2004
    30. Weightlifting Assistant, Athens 2004 Olympic Games, Nice 11-25 / 8/2004
    31. Assistant pitch Weightlifting, Test Event Powerlifting & International Tours wa Weightlifting “Tofalos-Kakoussis”, Athens 2003
    32. Supporting Staff , 82 the Senior Men’s and 16 th Senior Women’s European Weightlifting Championships, Loutraki 2003


13. National Schools of Arbitration – Judges – Coaching   

    1. USPC Certified Powerlifting Referee, United States Powerlifting Coalition, Greece 20 20
    2. GPA Certified Special Olympian – Paralympian Powerlifting Trainer, Global Powerlifting Alliance, Greece 2020
    3. Living.Fit Kettlebell Foundation to Flow Level 1 Certificate of Completion, Greece 2020
    4. SOI Certified Special Olympics Powerlifting Coach Level 2, Special Olympics International, USA 20 20
    5. Certified Instructor in Power Sports in sports (Powerlifting, Armlifting, Mas Wrestling, Strongman, Strict Curl, Stick Pulling, Tug of War, Bodybuilding and Fitness, Progressive Studies University, Thessaloniki 2020 
    6. WP Certified Powerlifting International Referee, World Powerlifting, Greece 20 20
    7. IPSU Certified Powerlifting International Referee, International Powers Sports Union, Greece 2020
    8. IGPU Certified Powerlifting International Referee, International Global Power Unions, Greece 2019
    9. IGPU Certified Powerlifting Coach, International Global Power Unions, Greece 2019
    10. Regional Seminar Development with theme : ” Organization racing orienteering small scale and sprint », Commission Orienteering of the Greek Federation of Modern Pentathlon – International Orienteering Federation, Greece 2019
    11. WSF Certified Stick Pulling International Referee, World Strongmen Federation, Greece 2019
    12. WAF / APL / WAA Ce rtified Armlifting Referee Level 1, World Federation Armlifting – Armlifting Professional league – World Armlifting Association – Greek Association Resource Triathlon Athens 2019
    13. IBSA Certified Powerlifting International Referee, International Blind Sport Association Egypt 2018
    14. IBSA Certified Powerlifting International Coach, International Blind Sport Association Egypt 2018
    15. National Referee of Athletic Lifeguards of the Sea, Hellenic Federation of Underwater Sports Activities, Athens 2018
    16. WRPF Certified Powerlifting Referee Level 1, World Raw Powerlifting Federation – Hellenic Dynamic Triathlon Association Athens 2018
    17. 365 SWPF Certified Powerlifting International Referee, 365 Strong Powerlifting Federation, Greece 2018
    18. WRPF Certified Powerlifting International Referee, World Raw Powerlifting Federation, Greece 2017
    19. ISF Certified Streetlifting International Referee, International Streetlifting Federation, Greece 2017
    20. IKMF Certified Kettlebell Instructor Level 1, International Kettlebell Marathon Federation-Dynamo Kettlebell Club, Athens 2017
    21. National Judge Laser Run Modern Pentathlon), Hellenic Federation of Modern Pentathlon, Athens 2017
    22. National Referee Beach Rugby Hellenic Federation of Modern Pentathlon, Athens 2017
    23. IKMF Certified Kettlebell International Referee, International Kettlebell Marathon Federation-Dynamo Kettlebell Club, Athens 2017
    24. IKMF Certified Kettlebell Referee, International Kettlebell Lifting Federation-Dynamo Kettlebell Club, Athens 2016
    25. RPS Certified Powerlifting International Referee, Revolution Powerlifting Syndicate, Greece 2016
    26. Kettlebell Level 1 Instructor Seminar , Dynamo Kettlebell- International Kettlebell Marathon Federation, Athens 2015
    27. National Judge-Timer of Technical Swimming, Swimming Federation of Greece, Athens 2015
    28. WPA Certified Powerlifting International Referee, World Powerlifting Alliance, Greece 2015
    29. IPL Certified Powerlifting Referee Level 2, International Powerlifting League, Greece 2015
    30. GPA Certified Powerlifting Referee Level 1, Global Powerlifting Alliance- Hellenic Dynamic Triathlon Association Athens 2015
    31. IKLF Certified Kettlebell Referee, International Kettlebell Lifting Federation-Dynamo Kettlebell Club, Greece 2015
    32. WDFPF Certified Powerlifting International Referee Level 2, World Drug Free Powerlifting Federation, Athens 2015
    33. WDFPF Certified Powerlifting Referee Level 2, World Drug Free Powerlifting Federation- Hellenic Dynamic Triathlon Association Athens 2015
    34. 100% Raw Certified Powerlifting Referee Level 2, 100% Raw Powerlifting Federation, Greece 2015
    35. National Referee Rugby League Level 1 , Rugby League European Federation, Athens 2015
    36. IPO Certified Powerlifting Referee, International Powerlifting Organization, Greece 01/10/2014
    37. GPA Certified Powerlifting International Referee, Global Powerlifting Alliance, Greece 2014
    38. GPA Certified Powerlifting Trainer, Global Powerlifting Alliance, Greece 2014
    39. National Athletic Lifeguard Referee of Swimming Pool , Hellenic Federation of Underwater Sport Fishing, Athens 2014
    40. Sport Lifeguard Coaches Seminar, Hellenic Federation of Underwater Sport Fishing, Athens 2014
    41. Probation Cycling Judge, Association of Center Cycling Associations, Athens 2013
    42. Probationary Rugby League Referee , Hellenic Rugby League Committee Athens 2013
    43. National Judge Aquatics Special Olympics Greece, Athens 2013
    44. National Judge Track and Field, Special Olympics Greece, Athens 2013
    45. National Judge Bowling, Special Olympics Greece, Athens 2013
    46. Trial Judge of Men’s Organ Gymnastics, Hellenic Gymnastics Federation, Athens 2013
    47. Seminar of the program ” Youth Fun Activation “, Special Olympics Hellas, Athens 2013
    48. Ju – Jitsu Games Secretarial Support Seminar , Hellenic Fan Ju – Jitsu Amateur Federation , Athens 2012
    49. ” Bronze Coaching License ”, International Coaches Association, Athens 2012
    50. ” Fitness and Conditioning for Soccer Course ”, International Coaches Association, Athens 2012
    51. National Referee Rugby Union Level 1 International Rugby Board Athens 2012
    52. ” Laws of the Game of Rugby Union Certificate ”, International Rugby Union, Athens 2012
    53. Archery Judge, Greek Fan Archery Federation, Athens 2012
    54. National Apnea Judge (Static-Dynamics), Hellenic Federation of Underwater Sport Fishing, Athens 2012
    55. National Underwater Shooting Judge , Hellenic Federation of Underwater Fishing, Athens 2012
    56. Coaches Seminar on “Development of Football Sport Through Unified Programs “, Special Olympics Hellas, Athens 2012
    57. the Seminar Technical Regulations & Arbitration non-Olympic sport Wrestling Grappling GI – NOGI Combat Grappling MMA Mixed Martial Arts ), Greek Federation Fans Palis- FILA , Athens 2012
    58. National Sport Fishing Judge with Sliding Cork from Port Facilities, Hellenic Federation of Underwater Sport Fishing, Athens 2012
    59. National Triathlon Judge Level , Hellenic Triathlon Federation, Athens 2011
    60. National Para-Triathlon Judge, Hellenic Triathlon Federation, Athens 2011
    61. Coaches Seminar on “Development of Unified Sports in Youth”, Special Olympics Hellas, Athens 2011
    62. ” Play Hard-Play Fair and Stay in the Game Awareness Certificate ”, Professional Cricketers Association, England and Wales Cricket Board and Marilenebone Cricket Club, Athens 2011
    63. National Judge ESPL (EMMA Sound Pleasure League) & Freestyle, EMMA Hellas (European Mobile Media Association), Athens 2011
    64. National Judge Boccia Level , Hellenic Athletic Federation of Persons with Disabilities, Athens 2011
    65. National Boxing Referee-Judge, Hellenic Boxing Federation, Athens 2011
    66. National Basketball Referee, Hellenic Basketball Referees Federation – Lesvos Basketball Referees Association, Mytilene 2011
    67. National Referee-Judge Bocce , Organizing Committee of the Special Olympics Athens 2011
    68. Seminar of the Program ” Athletes Leaders ” with theme ” Global Messenger and Governance Training “, Special Olympics International – Special Olympics Hellas Athens 2011
    69. School Coaches with theme « Motor Activity Training Programme », Special Olympics Europe – Eurasia – Special Olympics Hellas Athens 2010
    70. National Fencing Judge (Duel Sword), Hellenic Fencing Federation , Athens 2010
    71. Cricket Coaches School Level 1, World Cricket Federation, Athens 2010
    72. National Referee-Judge Beach Tennis , World Beach Tennis Federation Athens 2010
    73. National Referee Beach Soccer , Panhellenic Beach Soccer Association – EPO, Athens 2010
    74. Probation Bridge Games Director, Piraeus Bridge Sports Club – Hellenic Bridge Federation, Athens 2010
    75. Seminar on “Play in the Game: Regulations & Handball Technique “, Ministry of Education Lifelong Learning & Religions, Athens 2010
    76. National Hellanodikis & Palaestra Secretariat Greek Federation Pangratiou Sport , Athens 2009
    77. Coaches Seminar Pangratiou , Greek Federation Pangratiou Sport , Athens 2009
    78. National Table Tennis Referee, Hellenic Table Tennis Federation , Athens 2009
    79. the International Futsal Football Seminar, Greek Football Association Football Futsal Committee of the General Secretariat of Sport, Athens 2009
    80. Competition Climbing Secretariat , Hellenic Mountaineering-Climbing Federation, Athens 2009
    81. National Judge, Race Climbing Secretariat, Hellenic Mountaineering-Climbing Federation, Athens 2009
    82. National Referee of Sport Vertical Fishing with Anchored Boat, Hellenic Federation of Underwater Activity of Sport Fishing & Technical Swimming, Athens 2009
    83. National Referee of Sport Fishing of Trolley with a Reed from a Boat, Hellenic Federation of Underwater Activity of Sport Fishing & Technical Swimming, Athens 2009
    84. National Judge of Athletic Fishing of Freshwater-Carp Fishing, Hellenic Federation of Underwater Activity of Sport Fishing & Technical Swimming, Athens 2009
    85. Seminar on “The Sport of Bocce in Special Olympics “, Special Olympics Europe – Eurasia – Special Olympics Greece, Athens 2009
    86. National Classic Sports Referee, Hellenic Federation of Classic Sports Referees, Tripoli 2008
    87. National Referee-Judge DG Flight Class ( Badminton ), Hellenic Federation of Flying Clubs, Athens 2008
    88. National Referee-Judge Beach Handball , Commission Beach Handball Federation Handball Greece, Thessaloniki 2008
    89. Seminar on “Philosophy, Regulations & Practice of Special Olympics “, Special Olympics Hellas, Athens 2008
    90. Gray Belt Degree at Shaolin Kung Fu – Chang Chuan Hellenic Federation Wushu – Kung Fu , Athens 2008
    91. Instructor – Beginner Level 8 at Shaolin Tao – Kung Fu , DM the Energy Road, Athens 2008
    92. Rehearsal Judge of Motor Land Sports Games, ELPA-ETHEA, Athens 2008
    93. National Judge / Referee Wushu – Kung Fu , Hellenic Federation Wushu – Kung Fu , Athens 2008
    94. National Handball Referee, Attica Handball Referees Association, Athens 2008
    95. National Handball Referee, Attica Handball Referees Association, Athens 2008
    96. National Surveyor of Vertical Sport Fishing of the Vertical Anchored Boat, Hellenic Federation of Underwater Activity of Sport Fishing & Technical Swimming, Athens 2008
    97. National Referee of Athletic Fisheries of Coastal Fishing with Reed & Mechanism, Hellenic Federation of Underwater Activity of Sport Fishing & Technical Swimming, Athens 2008
    98. National Judge of Athletic Fisheries of Sea Weight Shots, Hellenic Federation of Underwater Activity of Athletic Fishing & Technical Swimming, Athens 2008    
    99. National Water Polo Referee-Judge, Association of Greek Water Polo Referees-KOE, Athens 2008
    100. National Judge Level 1 Synchronized Swimming, Swimming Federation of Greece, Athens 2007
    101. National Referee Level 1 Tennis, World Tennis Federation, Athens 2007
    102. National Referee of DG category in Chess, Hellenic Chess Federation, Athens 2007
    103. National Swimming Judge-Timer, Swimming Federation of Greece, Tripoli 2006 
    104. License to practice the profession A ‘category Weightlifting Coach, General Secretariat of Sports, Athens 2006
    105. National Beach Volleyball Referee , Hellenic Volleyball Federation ( Beach Volleyball Department ), Athens 2006
    106. National Basketball Critics Division Referee, Association of Basketball Judges Attica Prefecture, Athens 2005
    107. National Referee of the 1st category of Football (5 5) ( Football 5- – side ), Hellenic Sports Federation of Persons with Disabilities, Athens 2005
    108. National Referee DG Football category (11 11), Athens Football Referees Association, Athens 2004
    109. National Referee of Volleyball Division IV, Volleyball Referees Federation of Greece, Athens 2004
    110. National Referee of the First Division of Football-Hall (5 5), Hellenic Football Federation, Athens 2004
    111. National Referee-Judge DG category Weightlifting, Hellenic Weightlifting Federation, Athens 2003


14. Refereeing of Panhellenic Games   

14.1. Salas (5 5) – Hellenic Football Federation Season ’03 -04, ’04 -05, ’06 -07, ’07 -08, ’08 -09, ’09 -10, ’10 -11, ’11 – 12 

    1.       Referee, Men’s category, participation in 1 Match
    2.       2nd Referee, Men’s category, participation in 38 Games
    3.       DG Referee, Men’s category AD, participation in 27 Games
    4.       Referee, Men category B, participation in 9 Games
    5.       2nd Referee, 2nd Men category, participation in 15 Games
    6.       DG Referee, B Men category, participation in 6 Games
    7.       Observer, Men’s 2nd category, participation in 1 Race
    8.       Referee, Men’s DG category, participation in 3 Games
    9.       2nd Referee, 3rd Men category, participation in 1 Match
    10.    Referee, Men’s Cup, participation in 1 Match
    11.    2nd Referee, Men’s Cup, participation in 5 Games
    12.    DG Referee, Men’s Cup, participation in 5 Games
    13.    First Referee, First Junior category, participation in 18 Games
    14.    Referee B, Junior category, participation in 10 Games
    15.    DG Referee, AD Junior category, participation in 5 Games
    16.    First Referee, Junior Cup, participation in 1 Match
    17.    DG Referee, Junior Cup, participation in 1 Match
    18.    Referee, Children’s category, participation in 40 Games
    19.    2nd Referee, 1st category of Children, participation in 12 Games
    20.    DG Referee, 1st category Children, participation in 1 Match
    21.    Observer, First category of Children, participation in 1 Race
    22.    First Referee, Children’s Cup, participation in 2 Games
    23.    2nd Referee, Children’s Cup, participation in 2 Games
    24.    Observer, Children’s Cup, participation in 1 Match
    25.    Α΄ Referee, Α΄ category Pampaida, participation in 47 Games
    26.    2nd Referee, 1st category of Boys, participation in 14 Games
    27.    DG Referee, 1st category of Children, participation in 3 Games
    28.    Observer, First category of Boys, participation in 1 Match
    29.    First Referee, Boys Cup, participation in 2 Games
    30.    2nd Referee, Children ‘s Cup, participation in 2 Games
    31.    DG Referee, Boys Cup, participation in 1 Match
    32.    AI Referee, AI category Juniors , participation in 37 Games
    33.    2nd Referee, 1st category Juniors , participation in 7 Matches
    34.    DG Referee, AJ category Juniors , participation in 1 Match
    35.    Referee, Juniors Cup , participation in 2 Matches
    36.    2nd Referee, Juniors Cup , participation in 1 Match
    37.    Referee DG, Juniors Cup , participation in 1 Match

14.2. Football Tournament (11 11), (8 8) – Hall (5 5) 

    1. Tournament Soccer Soccer Link in the EPO ‘ Referee 20 Olympic categories K18-K6 Athens 20 19 – 20
    2. Tournament football Soccer Link as EPO ‘ Referee Matches categories K18-K6 Athens 2018 -1 9
    3. Tournament Soccer Soccer Link in the EPO ‘ Referee 53 Olympic categories Adolescents, Children Pampaidon Junior Projunior Athens 2017 -1 8
    4. Tournament Soccer Soccer Link ‘ Referee Games categories Adolescents, Children Pampaidon Junior Projunior Athens 2016-17
    5. Soccer Link Soccer Tournament : First Referee, 60 Matches for Teenagers, Children, Boys, Junior, Projunior, Athens 2015-16
    6. PAE Olympiacos football tournament Supervisor, 2 Games, Athens 2015-16
    7. Attica Soccer football tournament organized by Interactive Sports : First Referee, 5 Men’s Games, Athens 2015-16   
    8. Football tournament AO Municipality of Peristeri – SA of Independent Football Clubs of Peristeri: Supervisor, 2 Men’s category matches, Athens 2015-16
    9. 15th Panhellenic Championship “Five on Five” organized by N’JOY Uni-League: First Referee, 2 Student-Student category matches, Athens 2015-16
    10. Football Tournament of the Association of Veteran Football Players Piraeus: Supervisor, 7 Men’s Matches, Athens 2015-16
    11. Football Tournament of the Association of Veteran Football Players Piraeus: Supervisor, 28 Men’s Matches, Athens 2014-15
    12. Football tournament AO Municipality of Peristeri – SA of Independent Football Clubs of Peristeri: Supervisor, 32 Men’s category matches, Athens 2014-15
    13. Athens Labor Center Football Tournament : Supervisor, 14 Men’s Matches, Athens 2014-15
    14. 14th Panhellenic Championship “Five on Five” organized by N’JOY Uni-League: First Referee, 22 Student-Student Games, Athens 2014-15
    15. Soccer Link Soccer Tournament : 1st Referee, 98 Games for Children, Boys, Junior, Projunior, Athens 2014-15 
    16. Athens Football Tournament : First Referee, 13 Games for Children, Boys, Junior, Projunior, Athens 2014-15 
    17. Golden League football tournament organized by Golden Team: First Referee (11×11) -45, (8×8) -33 Games for Children, Boys, Junior, Projunior, Athens 2013-14
    18. Star Football Club football tournament: Supervisor, 27 Men’s Matches, Athens 2013-14
    19. Corporate Soccer Championship organized by the Association of Occupational Sports Clubs: Supervisor, 21 Men’s Matches, Athens 2013-14
    20. 13th Panhellenic Championship “Five on Five” organized by N’JOY Uni-League: First Referee, 4 Student-Student category matches, Athens 2013-14
    21. Football Tournament of the Association of Veteran Football Players Piraeus: Supervisor, 11 Men’s Matches, Athens 2013-14
    22. Batista League football tournament organized by Daniel Batista Football Club: First Referee (8×8) -2 Men’s Matches, Athens 2013-14
    23. Southern Suburbs football tournament organized by Golden Team : First Referee (11 11) -4, (8 8) -6, Games for Children, Boys, Junior , Athens 2013
    24. Golden League football tournament organized by Golden Team : First Referee (11 11) -10, (8 8) -4, (5 5) -28 Games for Children, Boys, Junior Projunior , Athens 2012-13
    25. 12 the National Championship « Five on Five » organized by ‘ JOY Uni – League : A Referee, 27 Olympic classes Student-Student, Athens 2012-13
    26. the   Championship « Five on Five » organized by ‘ JOY Uni – League – BCA : A Referee 1 Agon s categories Student-Student, Athens 2012-13
    27. Football Tournament of the Association of Veteran Football Players Piraeus: Supervisor, 4 Men’s Matches, Athens 2012-13
    28. Football Tournament of the Sports Organization of the Municipality of Peristeri: Supervisor, 29 Men’s Category Matches, Athens 2011-12
    29. The Working Championship Health Agencies organisms & Security: A Referee, 16 Olympic Men’s categories, Athens 2011-12
    30. 11 the National Championship « Five on Five » organized by ‘ JOY Uni – League : A Referee, 7 Games categories Student-Student, Athens 2011-12
    31. Salam football tournament GEMS CUP , PEPSS – EPO: 2nd Referee, 1 Match, Athens 2011-12
    32. Football Tournament of the Athletic Organization of the Municipality of Peristeri: Supervisor, 9 Men’s Matches, Athens 2010-11
    33. 10 the National Championship « Five on Five » organized by ‘ JOY Uni – League : A Referee, 17 Olympic classes Student-Student, Athens 2010-11
    34. the National Championship « Five on Five » organized by Nescafe Uni – League : A Referee, 34 Olympic classes Student-Student, Athens 2009-10
    35. Commercial League football tournament : Supervisor, 4 Men’s Matches, Athens 2007-08
    36. Football Tournament of the Sports Organization of the Municipality of Peristeri: Supervisor, 29 Men’s Category Matches, Athens 2007-08
    37. Tournament « Five on Five » organised by Planet Football: A Referee, 10 Olympic Men’s categories, Athens 2006-07
    38. Football Cup of the Holy Metropolis of Piraeus: Observer in Gymnasium-Lyceum category matches, Piraeus 2005-06
    39. ” Greek Mini Soccer Shipping Cup ” organized by Φ.Ν.Ε. and Kristen Navigation Inc Α΄ Referee, 2 Men’s Games, Athens 2004-05
    40. Tournament « Five on Five » organised by Mantzios A Referee, 8 Games Children-Pampaidon categories, Athens 2004

14.3. Beach Soccer Committee – Panhellenic Beach Soccer Association 

  1.   Referee 1 , the preliminary phase of the 10 th Panhellenic German Championship Beach Soccer Athens 3-6 / 6/2010
  2.   Ref 6 The preliminary phase of the 10 th Greek Championship German Beach Soccer , Alykes Drosias – Chalkidas 29 / 7-1 / 8/2010

14.4. Beach Volleyball Committee – Hellenic Volleyball Federation 

    1. Referee-Scorer, Beach Volleyball Boys-Girls Tournament Under 17, Hellenic Volleyball Federation, Athens 17/07/2010 

14.5. Beach Handball Committee – Hellenic Handball Federation               

  1.   Referee / Judge, Tournament Beach Handball Men-Women ‘ ARION CUP 2010′ under the 11 th Panhellenic Championship, Loutraki 09-11 / 07/2010  

14.6. Beach Tennis Committee – World Beach Tennis Federation   

    1.   Referee / Referee, SERGIO TACCHINI Beach Tennis Open Tournament , Athens 18-19 / 09/2010

14.7. Volleyball – SYDPEDAP Association – ESPEDA Association Season 2004-2005 

    1.   2nd Referee-Scorer, Pagkorasidas category, participation in 3 Matches
    2.   2nd Referee-Scorer, Pampaida category, participation in 1 Match

14.8. Motorized Land Sports – ELPA-ETHEA 

    1.   Judge, Drift category , FIMA, Rethymno 2009

14.9. Wushu Kung Fu – Hellenic Federation Wushu – Kung Fu 

  1. Referee / Judge, Panhellenic Taolos Championship B ‘& C’ category, Athens 2008

14.10. Competitive Climbing – Hellenic Federation of Mountaineering – Climbing

    1.   Judge-Secretary-timer, 20 the National Championship Events in Difficulty,           Speed, Bouldering , Athens 2009

14.11. Pancration – Hellenic Federation of Pancratic Sport  

    1. Hellenic Judge / Secretariat of Palaistra, Championship of Central Greece for Boys-  Pagkoras 8-13 Years in Palaismata-Pagration Children (10-11 & 12-13 years old), Local Committee of Greece, Athens 24/01/2010
    2. Hellenic Judge / Secretariat of Palaistra, Qualifying Games of Central Greece Boys- Girls 14-15, Adolescents-Juniors 16-17, Ageneion-N. Women 18-19, Men-Women 20+ in Palaismata-Polydamas-Children’s Pagration-Pagration, Local Committee of Greece, Athens 24/01/2010  

14.12. Classic Sports – SEGAS  

    1. Volunteer-Judge, 26 the Vartzakeio Health Street, Piraeus Health Runners Club, Athens 21/10/2012
    2. Volunteer-Judge, 7 the Athletics Day for Disabled Mousikokinitiko Workshop D. Agia Paraskevi, Athens 17/10/2012     
    3.   Judge, Throwing Festival, EAS SEGAS Peloponnese Region, Tripoli 2009

       12.14. Chess – Hellenic Chess Federation – ESSNA Match Season 2010

  1.     Referee, category Team Championship B ‘Local Attica, participation in 1 Match

12.15. Swimming – Hellenic Swimming Federation – SKKA 

  1.   Judge, Winter Games for 10-12 year olds, Attica Swimming Judges Association,                 Athens 12-14 / 03/2010    

12.16. Reload Entertainment – Electronic Sports League ‘the e-Sports Company’  

1. Referee ESL Admin , 4 National Championship – Qualifying Stage ‘ KONAMI Pro Evolution Soccer League ‘, Athens 29-30 / 01/2011     

2. Referee ESL Admin , 3 National Championship – Qualifying Stage ‘ KONAMI Pro Evolution Soccer League ‘, Athens 09-10 / 04/2010        

3. Referee ESL Admin , 3 National Championship – Qualifying Stage ‘ KONAMI Pro Evolution Soccer League ‘, Athens 13-14 / 03/2010     

12.17. Bridge – Hellenic Federation Bridge

  1. Probationary Match Director, Simultaneous Couples Tournament – matchpoints the Day with Α.Μ.Α.Σ. 10050, Piraeus Bridge Sports Club 03/05/2010
  2.   Probationary Match Manager, Simultaneous Couples Tournament – matchpoints the Day with Α.Μ.Α.Σ. 10051, Piraeus Bridge Sports Club 10/05/2010

12.17. Traditional Backgammon – Hellenic Federation of Traditional Backgammon     

  1.    Referee, Men’s Tournament, Athens 02/09/2014

12.18. Surface Sport Fishing – Hellenic Federation of Underwater Activity & Sport Fishing       

  • Surface Sport Fisheries Sector
  1.    Judge, 15 the World Weightlifting Championship shooter Marine, Amynteo 01-08 / 09/2012
  2.    Judge, Intercollegiate Fishing Race with Sliding Cork from Port Facilities, Athens 11/12/2011
  3. Judge, 2 the National Championship shooter Marine Weightlifting, Athens 16/05/2009
  4.   Judge 1 the National Championship shooter Marine Weightlifting, Athens 21/02/2009
  5.    Judge, one the National Carp Fishing Championship (freshwater), Ptolemaida 22- 24/05/2009
  6.    Judge, 12 the National Angling Championships with Boat Moored Hand from Kavala 21/06/2009
  7.    Judge, the National Championship Fisheries of Côte pole & Mechanism Halkidiki 28/06/2009
  8.    Judge, one the National Championship Powered by Trolling Boat, Porto-Koufo Halkidiki 21/09/2009
  9.      Judge, one the National Championship vertical pole, Piraeus 19/07/2009
  • Free Diving and Apnea Sports
  1.       Judge, Panhellenic Underwater Shooting Championship, Athens 11/05/2014
  2.       Judge, Panhellenic Apnea Championship (Static-Dynamics), Athens 14/07/2012
  3.       Judge, Panhellenic Underwater Shooting Championship, Athens 19-20 / 05/2012
  •     Sports Lifeguard Sector
  1.    Observer Games, 3 the National Championships, Athens 14-15 / 10/2017

       12.20. Tennis – Hellenic Tennis Federation

  1.    Judge 1 The Tournament Tennis, O.N.A. Municipality of Athens), Athens 30/05/2009

       12. 21. Flying – Hellenic Federation of Flying Clubs

  1.    Referee, Panhellenic Championship for Boys and Girls ( 11), Thebes 07/02/2010

       12. 22. Triathlon – Hellenic Triathlon Federation

  1.    Judge, Panhellenic Men – Women Biathlon Championship , Men’s Paratriathlon, Young Men – Young Women, Adolescents – Juniors, Boys – Girls A and B, Boys – Pagorasids A and B, Beginner athletes super kids, Veteran, Open 03/2012
  2.    Judge, Panhellenic Men – Women Triathlon Championship, Men ‘s Paratriathlon, Young Men – Young Women, Adolescents – Juniors, Boys – Girls A and B, Boys – Pagoras, Veterans, Open Participation, Athena 02/10/201
  3.    Judge, Development Biathlon Race for small categories, Athens 12/18/2011

      12.23 Modern Pentathlon – Greek Federation of Modern th Five thlo U

  1.      Judge, Laser Run , Athena 24 /0 /201 7

12.2 4. Archery – Hellenic Archery Federation

  1. Judge, Indoor & Olympic Archery Race A ‘& B’ Men – Women, Young Men – Young Women, Adolescents – Teenagers, Boys – Girls, Boys – Pagorasides, Athens 01-02 / 12/2012

      12.2 Rugby Union – Hellenic Rugby Federation

  1.    Referee, Panhellenic Men’s 7 ‘ Sevens Rugby Championship, Athens 12/15/2012

12.2 Rugby League – Committee Hellenic Rugby League

  1.    Referee, 2 Games Panhellenic Championship Match Season 2013-14
  2.    Referee, Attica Combat Team Tournament Athens-Piraeus, Athens 10/07/2013
  3.    Referee Greek Cup Rugby League Review Athens 9’s Cup, Athens 01/06/2013

12.2 Cycling – Association of Center Cycling Associations

  1.    Reviewer 3 the Hilltime Trial Hymettus – Saturn / Pesos, Athens 10/28/2013
  2.    Judge, Intercollegiate Race of Parnitha Ascent – SPM Hermes, Athens 20/10/2013
  3.    Judge, EPOSK Intercollegiate Championship – Team Chr. & Couples, Athens 22/09/2013
  4.    Judge, Intercollegiate Road Race of Olympic Village – PAO, Athens 16/06/2013

12.2 Self Defense & Kick Boxing – World Federation of Self Defense & World Kickboxing Association

  1.   Secretariat of Games, World Championship of Self Defense & Martial Arts, Athens 27 / 05-02 / 06/2013

12.2 Resources Triathlon – Strongman – Street Workout – Streetlifting – Highland Games – Cheiropali – Mas Wrestling – Greek Association Resource Triathlon

  1.   International Judge Three Nations Powerlifting Open Germany, Austria , Switzerland) Germany 24-25 / 01/2020
  2.   International Judge XPC World Powerlifting Cup Poland 29 / 11-01 / 12/2019
  3.   Judge , WSWCF / ISF Hellenic Street Workout -Streetlifting Championship, Athens 30/06/2019
  4.   International Judge WSF 1 st International Strongman Games, Uzbekistan -09/06/2019  
  5.   Judge WRPF / WEPF European Powerlifting Hellenic Festival & Powerlifting Championship, Athens 03-05 / 0 /2019
  6.   Judge WAF / WSF Hellen ic Armlifting -Stick Pulling Championship, Athens 14/04/2019
  7.   Judge , WSWCF / ISF Hellenic Street Workout-Streetlifting Cup, Athens 16/12/2018
  8.   Κριτής GPA / IPO Hellenic Powerlifting League- Greek Qualifier – Arnold Sports Festival 2019 Αθήνα 01-02 / 12/2018
  9.    International Judge 13 the IBSA World Powerlifting Bench Press Championship Egypt 10-18 / 11/2018
  10.    International Judge IPL Mr Olympia Pro Powerlifting Event, USA 14-15 / 09/2018
  11.    International Judge WRPF Boss of Bosses V, USA 24-25 / 08 /2018
  12.    Judge , WRPF / WEPF Hellenic Powerlifting Championship – Open Challenge, Athens 04-06 / 0 /2018
  13.    Judge , WSWCF / ISF / WAF Hellenic Street Workout-Streetlifting-Armlifting Championship, Athens 01/04/2018
  14.    Judge , RPS Tromaras Strength Challenge, Athens 11/02/2018
  15.    Judge IMWF Hellenic Mas-Wrestling Championships, Athens 11/02/2018
  16.   Judge , WSWCF / ISF Hellenic Street Workout-Streetlifting Cup, 03/12/2017
  17.    Judge IPL Hellenic Powerlifting League, Athens 25-26 / 1 /2017
  18.    International Judge WRPF European Benchpress Cup Poland 04/11/2017
  19.    Judge WSWCF Street Workout National Championship of Greece- Hellenic Street Workout Games, Athens 25/06/2017
  20.    International Judge GPA / IPO European and Hellenic Powerlifting Championships, Greece 05-07 / 05/2017
  21.    Judge , RPS / XPC / IPSU Rhodes Powerlifting Challenge, Rhodes /02/201 7
  22. International Judge GPA / IPO World Powerlifting Championships, Russia 08-11 / 12/2016
  23.   Judge IPL Hellenic Powerlifting League, Athens 19-20 / 1 /201 6
  24.    Judge International and Hellenic Challenge Powerlifting Championships, Athens 21-22 / 05/2016
  25.    Judge , GPA / IPO Hellenic Powerlifting Challenge, Athens 19-20 / 03/2016
  26.    Judge , RPS Evia Powerlifting Battle, Chalkida 07/02/2016
  27.    Judge , IPL Hellenic Squat League & Benchpress Reps Contest, Athens 13/12/2015
  28.    Referee , IPL Hellenic Benchpress League, Athens 06/12/2015
  29.    Judge , IPL Hellenic Deadlift Cup, Athens 11/14/2015
  30.    Judge , GPA / IPO Hellenic Powerlifting Grand Prix, Athens 23-24 / 05/2015
  31.    Judge , WDFPF Hellenic Powerlifting Challenge, Athens 22/03/2015
  32.    Reviewer , GPA / IPO 1 st Athletic Powerlifting Event, Amarynthos – Evia 08/03/2015
  33.    Judge , WSF 1 st Athletic Strongman Event, Amarynthos – Evia 08/03/2015
  34.    Judge , IHGF 1 st Athletic Highland Games Event, Amarynthos – Evia 08/03/2015
  35.    Judge , GPA Powerlifting Test, Athens 20-21 / 12/2014

12. 30 Kettlebell – Dynamo Kettlebell  

  1.    International Judge IKMF European Kettlebell Marathon Championships, 27-28 / 05/2017
  2.    Judge IKMF National Championship Athens 12 /0 /201 7
  3.    Reviewer , IKLF Athens The Bells of Christmas, Athens 17/12/2016
  4.    Judge IKLF IKMF the National Championships Athens 05/29/2016
  5.    Judge IKLF IKMF Gazi Crossfit Race Athens 13/02/2016
  6.    Judge , IKLF Hellenic Kettlebell Sport Bolt Grand Prix, Athens 23-24 / 05/2015
  7.    Judge , IKMF Hellenic Kettlebell Marathon Grand Prix, Athens 23-24 / 05/2015 
  8.    Judge , IKLF Hellenic Kettlebell Sport Bolt Challenge, Athens 22/03/2015    

     12.3 Special Olympics Hellas

  1.       Judge Aquatics Swimming Games Athens 09/06/2013
  2.       Judge Track and Field, Spring Track and Field Games, Athens 25/04/2013
  3.       Judge Bowling , Friendly Bowling Match, Athens 11/04/2013

      12.3 National Sports Federation for the Disabled

  •          Blind Football
  1.    Referee, category (B1) Men, participation in 1 Match, Thessaloniki 2007
  • Boccia
  1.    Judge, Panhellenic Championship 201 , Athens 24 / 05-29 / 05/2016
  2.    Judge, Panhellenic Championship 2015, Athens 26 / 05-30 / 05/2015
  3.    Judge, Panhellenic Championship 2014, Athens 07 / 05-11 / 05/2014
  4.    Judge, Panhellenic Championship 2013, Athens 29 / 05-02 / 06/2013
  5.    Judge, A.O. Games Day Dromeas, Athens 05/04/2013
  6.    Judge, Panhellenic Championship 2011, Athens 02-05 / 06/2011

12.3 Technical Swimming – Swimming Federation of Greece

  1. Judge, Winter competitions of Men-Women-Young-Teenagers-Children-Girls-Girls / Boys-Girls / Girls (A-B) –Progressive, Athens 23-24 03/201 9
  2.       Judge, Workshop Limits N. Greece, Athens 17 /0 /201 9
  3.       Judge, Workshop Limits N. Greece, Athens 20 /01/201 9
  4. Judge, Winter competitions of categories Men-Women-Young-Teenagers-Boys-Girls- P / Children-P / Girls (A-B) –Progressive, Athens 10-11 / 03/2018          
  5.       Judge, Borders Conference of the Prefecture of Greece, Athens 14/01/2018
  6.       Judge, Boundaries Conference of the Prefecture of Greece, Athens 10/12/2017
  7.       Judge, Panhellenic Championship of Men -Women-Young-Teens-Children
  8.       Korasidon-P / Paidon-P / Korasidon (A-B) – Promotional, Athens 28-31 / 07/2016
  9.   Judge, Winter competitions of Men-Women-Young-Teenage-Boys-Girls-Girls / Boys-Girls / Girls (A-B) –Programmers, Athens 5-6 / 03/2016
  10.   Critic, Conference of the Limits of Southern Greece, Athens 24/01/2016

15. Camping Experience   

6 years camper in the Health and Welfare Camps


16. Letters of Recommendation   

    1. Dimitrios Iliadis K.F.A., Head of Weightlifting Specialty TEFAA Athens, 2006 
    2. Ν.Ε.Σ. Agios Dimitrios Piraeus, 2006
    3. Agricultural Bank Camp 2004
    4. Agricultural Bank Camp 2003
    5. Efstathios Avramidis European Lifeguard Academy , 2003
    6. Ranch Skouras Camp , 2002
    7. Alexandros Soras K.F.A., Federal Weightlifting Coach, 2001


17. Foreign Languages   

17.1. TOEIC ETS , Athens 2006 


18. Computer knowledge   

    1. Degree in Computer Applications, Hellenic Republic – Ministry of Education, Research & Religions Athens 2017
    2. Curriculum lasting 30 hours ” Scratch Teachers : Introduction to the Programming Scratch for Teachers ”, Greek Open University, Patras 2015
    3. ICT Intermediate C, (Office 2010: Word, Excel, Internet-Outlook, PowerPoint), ICT Europe, Athens 2013
    4. Training program lasting 100 hours ” Introduction to Informatics for Small Business Employees ” of the practice ‘Lifelong Learning Programs for the Human Resources of Small Business – Priority Axis 8’, Institute of Small Business of the General Confederation of Athens B 2012 
    5. Training program lasting 250 hours “Information & Communication Technologies” of the practice ‘Design and implementation of distance education programs through the Distance Lifelong Learning Center of the General Secretariat for Lifelong Learning’, Institute of Continuing Adult Education , Athens 2011
    6. Educational Program lasting 50 hours ” Adult Education in Acquiring Basic Skills in New Technologies – ΉΡΩΝ 2 ”, Institute of Continuing Adult Education, Athens 2010
    7. ICT Intermediate B, (Office 2003: Word, Excel, Internet-Outlook, PowerPoint), ICT Europe, Athens 2010
    8. Office 2003 Course Certificate ” Training in Basic ICT Skills ”, Knowledge Dynamics Athens 2010
    9. Certificate of Course “Informatics”, Hellenic Society – Diplareio School, Athens 2010
    10. The Training Workshop supervisors ACTA ACTA spin-offs, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Athens 2009
    11. Informatics Conference on “Use of New Technologies”, IEK XINI, Athens 2009
    12. Certificate of Certification of Teachers in ICT, Ministry of National Education & Religions, Athens 2009
    13. ertified omputer ser- CCU (Office 2002: Windows, Word, Excel, Internet-Outlook, Power Point, Access), ACTA SA Athens 2008
    14. ertified omputer ser- CCU (Office 2002: Word, Excel, Internet-Outlook, Access), ACTA SA Athens 2008
    15. Course Certificate “Training in Basic ICT Use Skills with Selected Databases”, KEK DION EPEKA, Athens 2008
    16. Course Certificate “Utilization of Information Technologies & Communications in Education”, Training of Teachers A ‘& B’ / Graduate Education in Basic Skills of Information-Communication Technologies in Education, Elefsina 2008
    17. Course Certificate “Office Automation with Office XP “, Koletti Matina Computing , Ag. Nikolaos – Halkidiki 2008
    18. Supervisor Training Seminar ICT Hellas SA Athens 2007
    19. C Intermediate ICT (Office 2003: Basic Knowledge The – Windows, Word, Excel, Internet-Outlook, PowerPoint, Access), ICT Hellas SA Athens 2007
    20. A Intermediate ICT (Office 2003: Basic Knowledge The – Windows, Word, Excel, Internet-Outlook), ICT Hellas SA Athens 2006
    21. Course Certificate “Computer Use”, IEK Domi, Athens 2006-07
    22. The Training Workshop supervisors ACTA ACTA spin-offs, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Athens 2006
    23. Course Certificate “Office Automation with Office XP “, Svarna Informatics, Thessaloniki 2004-05
    24. Certification Cycle Course ” Windows 98, Word 2000, Excel 2000, Internet ”, Technoplus Hellas Athens 2002

19. Member   

    1. Representative of Greece in the World Power League GR 2020- today
    2. Member of the Steering Committee of the Hand Wrestling in the Hellenic Wrestling Federation, GR 2020- today
    1. Physical Assistant Member of the Hellenic Athletic Lifeguard Association GR 2020- today
    2. Representative of Greece in the World Powerlifting and Biceps Federation GR 2020-today
    3. Representative of Greece in the International Association of Combative Sports GR 2020-today
    4. Representative of Greece in the Worl d Heavy Events Association, GR 2020-today
    5. Representative of Greece in the Global Strong Federation, GR 2020-today
    6. Representative of Greece in the International Federation of Armsports , GR 2020-today
    7. Vice Chairman of the International Education Committee at the World Power Sport Federation, GR 2020-today
    8. Representative of Greece in the World Power Sport Federation GR 2020-today
    9. Representative of Greece in World Powerlifting GR 2019- today
    10. Member of the temporary Board in the Panhellenic Federation of Physical Fitness – Fitness, GR 2019- today
    11. Second Vice Chairman of the Board the Greek Federation Cheiropalis, GR 2019- 2020
    12. Member Σ of World Ethnosport LV 201 9
    13. General Secretary of the Board, Hellenic Rugby League, GR 2019- today
    14. Representative of Greece in the Xtreme Powerlifting Coalition GR 2018- today
    15. Representative of Greece in World Raw Powerlifting Federation, GR 2018- 2020
    16. General Secretary at the International Streetlifting Federation, GR 2018-today
    17. Board Member Special Secretary) to the Hellenic Federation of Modern Pentathlon, GR 2017 – 2019
    18. Representative of Greece in the 365 Strong World Powerlifting Federation , GR 201 -today
    19. Board Member (Sports Superintendent), Hellenic Athletic Federation of Kidney-Transplanted, GR 2017- 2020
    20. Representative of Greece in the International Streetlifting Federation, GR 2017-today
    21. Representative of Greece in the World Street Workout Calisthenics Federation, GR 2017-today
    22. General Secretary of the International Powerlifting League European Committee , GR 2016- 2019
    23. Member of the World Strongmen Federation Executive Committee LV 2016- today
    24. Member of the Panhellenic Association of Judges EDDS, GR 2016- 2018
    25. Central Committee member Referee-Judges in Greek Federation of Modern Pentathlon, GR 2016- 2019
    26. Member of the Disciplinary Committee in Greek Federation of Modern Pentathlon, GR 2016- 2019
    27. Member of Technical E OMMITTEE Rugby League in Greek Federation of Modern Pentathlon, GR 2016- 2019
    28. Representative of Greece in the World Armlifting Association, GR 2016-today
    29. Representative of Greece in the International Power Sports Union, GR 2016-today
    30. Board Treasurer, Greek Federation of Rugby League, GR 2016- 2019
    31. Chairman of the Board of the Hellenic Dynamic Triathlon Association, GR 201 – today
    32. Representative of Greece in the Armlifting Professional League, GR 2015-today
    33. Representative of Greece in the World / European Pow rlifting Alliance, GR 2015-2018
    34. General Secretary of the Board, Hellenic Rugby League, GR 2016
    35. Representative of Greece in the International Armwrestling Federation, GR 2015- 2017
    36. Representative of Greece in the World Drug Free Powerlifting Federation, GR 2015-2016
    37. Representative of Greece in World Powerlifting Union GR 2015- 2019
    38. Representative of Greece in the Revolution Powerlifting Syndicate, GR 2014-today
    39. Representative of Greece in the International Powerlifting League, GR 2014- 2019
    40. Representative of Greece in the International Highland Games Federation, GR 2014-today
    41. Representative of Greece in the Global Powerlifting Committee, GR 2014- 2016
    42. Representative of Greece in% 100 Raw Powerlifting Federation GR 2014- 2018
    43. Representative of Greece in the International Powerlifting Organization, GR 2014-today
    44. Representative of Greece in the Global Powerlifting Alliance, GR 2014-today
    45. Representative of Greece in the World Strongman Federation, GR 2014-today
    46. Representative of Greece in the World Natural Strongmen Federation, GR 2014-today
    47. Vice Chairman of the Board Greek Association of Resources Triathlon, GR 2014- 2016
    48. Board Member Followers of the Association of Volunteers 2004, GR 2013- 2015
    49. Member of the Amateur Baseball Umpires Association, GR 2013-today
    50. Member of RSF Hellas Association ‘Voluntary Communications & Rescue Team’, GR 2012- 2014
    51. Member of the National Volunteer Team, Hellenic Football Federation, GR 2011
    52. Associate Member, England and Wales Cricket Board Coaches Association, GR 2012-today
    53. Vice Chairman of the Board of the Wushu – Kung Fu Association , DP the Energy Road GR 2007-2009
    54. Member of the Corps of Computer Monitors ICT Europe SA, GR 2007- 2008
    55. Member of the Computer Surveillance Corps, ECDL Hellas SA, GR 2007- 2008
    56. Followers member Association of Volunteers 2004, GR 2007- 2015
    57. Associate Member, Swimming Teachers’ Association, UK 2007-today
    58. Scientific Associate, European Lifeguard Academy, GR 2005- 2008

Kolettis Andreas

Profile picture of Kolettis Andreas


active 4 years, 1 month ago